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  1. B

    I have HUGE problem with my late stage flowering plant. Need help FAST

    Hello guys I have huge problem with my plant. It startet about 10 days ago. I can't get what is wrong. Are those leaves burned by heat/light or it's some kind of deff. ? As u can see leaves on the edges are not that effected. Soil level is 6.3-6.5 pH. I need help FAST so I can save her! Thanks...
  2. B

    Dark green leafs with burned tips

    Hi guys, I have an issue with my plant. I know, as I growed before, that dark green leafs and burned tips aren't good sing. This is what happened: First of all I didn't have good conditions to grow this girl at the beginning, and she grew tall. When I assembled grow box with proper lights and...
  3. B

    Low soil pH adjusted using high pH water?

    Guys, I was thinking...if pH level of soil is for exp. 5.5 and I want to fix it to be 6.5, should I water a plant with pH 7.5 water to make it around 6,5? Or it doesn't work that way?
  4. B

    Help me with this guys!!!

    Hi guys! About 15 days ago I got already big plant from a friend. At the moment I got it I noticed it has some problems. I asked him did he maybe overfert them, he said I don't know anymore...he was quitting all that, not interested anymore to grow. So I decided to water it with plain water for...
  5. B

    Thrips? Mg? B? N? Dont know what. Help

    Hi ppl, this is my 3rd grow, but first time in this grow room(small one, 1,5x1m)...I have several problems with my plants. Info... What type of medium? Soil What brand and type of soil? I forgot the brand name, but it was 10-5-5 (NPK) Indoors or outdoors? Indoor What strain? Seeds from...