Search results

  1. DJeriee

    Florida Outdoor 2009

    great name floridasucks i often think that same thing..... being from california florida does suck to me .... hence why im moving to san francisco in febuary
  2. DJeriee

    Finding a soulmate????

    landracer pretty insightful.... i grew up with 2 sisters and a mom so i am very respectful of women..... and i have never cheated on a girlfriend.... when i have a serious relationship i treat the girl like the most important thing in the world...... my problem has been that the girls i end up...
  3. DJeriee

    Trailer park boys

    Who here loves the trailer park boys? cause i love them :)
  4. DJeriee

    Best Strain

    What is the best strain to grow in ebb flow and supercropping that you guys have grown???? also what thai strain have you guys grown that is more of a indica style?
  5. DJeriee

    Live chat

    how do i register to do live chat????????????
  6. DJeriee

    More pics before harvest

    pretty impressive i love those kind of strains that have the brownish type hairs and golden keif..... what strain are those? nice sprouting :)
  7. DJeriee

    Finding a soulmate????

    this forum is great i start a thread and so many diff things come from it lol..... and i choose dj eriee because of erie being you know creepy an scary... cause i dj dnb and i like the kind of dnb that is creepy synths and scary style rough drumsteps.... i also dj reggae an hip hop.... but ya...
  8. DJeriee

    Finding a soulmate????

    cool yea i meet girls but i want a true stoner like myself just thought there might be a site where i could find a girl that likes to grow just like me so we can both have our days working in the garden :)... plus im in south florida kinda hard to find stoner chicks here
  9. DJeriee

    Finding a soulmate????

    What is a good site to connect with tokers???? im looking for a pot head girlfriend... it gets lonely having great grows and not having someone to roll with me :( are there any sites you guys ahve used to find a marijuana soulmate? :bongsmilie: alone sux would love to share a :joint:
  10. DJeriee

    Powdery Mildew

    Hi what are your guys best methods to combat powdery mildew.... ive tried using veg oil and water ive tried buying products from hydro stores and i tried using soaps for plants.... has anyone found a great way to finally rid clones an plants of powdery mildew???? because i would hate to...
  11. DJeriee

    how to get max yeild off 1 plant??

    My advice would be too vegg for a really long time.... do alot of topping making a huge bushy plant.... then when you start to flower you can start bending and supercropping branches.... i did this with 6 plants once and got huge yields in a ebb flow system.... My largest plant i have ever made...
  12. DJeriee

    Uncle Ben's Topping Technique to Get 2 or 4 Main Colas

    I also top all my plants.... when topping indoors its good to add few more vegging days or weeks..... also if your gonna top i also love to supercrop by bending or snapping main colas main stem..... ill put it this way before i did supercropping id be lucky to get an ounce off a indoor...
  13. DJeriee

    Harvest or no harvest?

    well it means like 40-50% of the hairs on each bud sometimes the buds on top finish first so you could cut those and leave the bottoms.... also when you know you have waited to long you will see the hairs start to dry out and start to curl...... myself personally i like to leave the buds on till...
  14. DJeriee

    Any advice??

    i envy you i really want to have some pictures and experiences like this..... did you start the seeds indoors or just germinate then throw them in teh soil outdoors?
  15. DJeriee

    hello Everyone

    sorry everyone i forgot to introduce myself..... i am a grower indoor grower.... i have been growing indoors for 7 years .... my clones have mostly been bought from california dispenserys but 2 yrs ago i started buying seeds and growing mothers and cloning..... i have grown full sativas and full...
  16. DJeriee

    need help

    hi all i am a indoor grower i have grown weed indoors for like 7 yrs now.... i have grown ebb an flow and i have done soil and coco tech indoors..... but now i am feeling adventorous so my question is.... i want to take clones i cut from indoor mothers and grow in a backyard...... i would love...
  17. DJeriee

    First Grow, closet grow help needed.(PICS)

    with so little amount of light id throw it to 24 hrs because that will help grow more roots and roots are what makes your plant healthy and big..... with more roots you get more leafs and with more leafs you get bigger bolder buds
  18. DJeriee

    Help seeds on my plant

    well dude if you have seeds you cant stop that all you can do is damage controll remove any bannanas with tweazers but also you should feel a little lucky cause now you have seeds to grow that are from your own strains.... if they were shop bought seeds than you will have chronic females because...
  19. DJeriee

    Can I grow cronic with cfl's?

    my friend uses all cfls for vegging but for me i love a 1000w hps you get so much more penetration.... but after reviewing pictures id love to incorporate cfls with hps i think my next grow i will be putting cfls from the side and in between plants but having hps 1000w on top also.... has anyone...
  20. DJeriee

    pc grow box, suggestions anyone?

    one thing i would recommend is to super crop you should cut off the tips and bend branches during flowering like 2nd week of flowering..... by cutting tips off you will get the plant to be bushier instead of getting long during flowering but some strains you just cant help i would be...