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  1. G

    Switched from MH to HPS light, leaves now drooping.

    They are in shock, it happens. They'll recover. Back up on the nutes though.
  2. G

    First grow, ebb&flow; pics, diff plants, diff problems? detailed

    It's hard to diagnose without knowing the ph and EC... With hydroponics these are important factors that explain the plants reaction to your changes to it's environment. You should invest in them. It seems as if these are the only things you are missing. It could be overwatered, or ph too...
  3. G

    can i start flowering? i dont have the room for more veg growth.

    It depends on the strain, Indica's usually finish 2 times the height. Meaning if you flower at 12" expect to fisnish off at 36" If it's more sativa dominant expect it to be 48 inches or more. Now I'm not saying this is the case with all strains, but this is just a ballpark figure. It could more...
  4. G

    can i start flowering? i dont have the room for more veg growth.

    You're gonna run out of room unless you lst. If your plant is 10 inches high, theres a possibility of it getting to 40 inches depending on strain. Indicas usually 2 times the height, so if you're at 10 inches add 20 inches.
  5. G

    Brown spots on leaves...HELP (pics)

    Looks like nute burn to me. Or a defficiency cause by nute strength. Keep an eye on the new growth, real close. Are the tips tinged at all? At 3 weeks my ppm would not be over 400ppm using RO water. If the new growth looks good, It'll be fine. Go easy with the foliar feeding, just remember...
  6. G

    Lucas Formula

    Stick with GH Maxibloom only, no MaxiGrow needed... After converting dry nutes to ppm for NPK-----essentially it's the Lucas formula. I know it looks a little off but there is a calculator that was used to convert "dry" nutes and the end result is "LUCAS formula". Plus I think it's easier to use...
  7. G

    Is this a good deal?

    I've wanted one of these for awhile now. I really want a fully automated system and this is a no reserve auction. Anybody out there have a Automatic PH doser. How much did you pay for yours. Whats the max I should bid. I really want this...
  8. G

    PH meter/doser

    IS this a good deal?
  9. G

    PH meter/doser Check this out
  10. G

    Can't find information on my problem

    The reservoir temps are 68. Humidity is 46. Roots look nice.
  11. G

    Can't find information on my problem

    I have 5 plants growing, 2 White Widow, 1 Blueberry, 1 Sour cream, 1 NL x Skunk . The sour cream and NL cross are growing very well. I have a problem with the other 3. The color looks good on all but the leaves are smaller and bunched together. I'm not sure if this has any constellation, but...
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    Super Closet SuperFile Grow

    Thanks but what are your thoughts on scrogs with the net trellis
  13. G

    Super Closet SuperFile Grow

    Hey guys, This is my first grow and would like to ask for some sugestions on this grow. I just received my Super Closet SuperFile and some seeds from Attitude. I've done my homework but I'm looking for some veteran help here. The seeds I have are: White Widow, Blueberry, Northern Light X...
  14. G

    Super Closet SuperFile Grow

    Hey guys, This is my first grow and would like to ask for some sugestions on this grow. I just received my Super Closet SuperFile and some seeds from Attitude. I've done my homework but I'm looking for some veteran help here. The seeds I have are: White Widow, Blueberry, Northern Light X...
  15. G

    SuperCloset Super File Grow

    Hey guys, This is my first grow and would like to ask for some sugestions on this grow. I just received my Super Closet SuperFile and some seeds from Attitude. I've done my homework but I'm looking for some veteran help here. The seeds I have are: White Widow, Blueberry, Northern Light X...