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  1. jonnyquest

    Peruvian Mountain Outdoor Grow 16/17

    Greetings all from Peru! Firstly let me say that i have learned so much of what i know from this site over the years and that i have watched many great grows unfold here so thanks to all and keep up the good work. I have been toying with the idea of making a thread for my grow and since im...
  2. jonnyquest

    first grow blueberry skuny pics

    hey well yeh i basically started a thread asking for like yeild advice but didnt post any pictures so iv since taken some as it might help, got slightly yellowing bottom leaves but besides that the plants couldnt be healthier, still looking for yeild advice though got 5 plants all about this...
  3. jonnyquest

    First grow, yeild advice

    right basically iv got 5 blueberry skunk plants from seed under a 250w hps and they are doing excelently at 30 days old now, tallest plant is about 26cm's already and there very bushy with very thick stalks. but iv got no reference as to how much i can expect to yeild if i say started flowering...
  4. jonnyquest

    time to transplant?

    hi riu quick qeustion for anyone who can help, im growing 4 blueberry skunk plants from seed under a 250w hps and they are 2 weeks old and its going really well, but its my first proper grow and im not really sure about when to move them into a bigger pot they are just working on there 3rd pair...
  5. jonnyquest

    where should i have my fan

    hey all just started my first indoor grow from seeds, all 5 seeds have come up which i pretty chuffed about but just a quick question, iv got like a desktop fan by my plants but i dont really know what to do with it, should i wait till the plants are bigger before turning it on cause at the...