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  1. NLOverOntario

    BadKat's CannaPharm: Canna Caps, UV Reactive Glowing Hash Candy, Canna 'Bombs' & More

    Hey thers a place online I think you can buy these exact things (almost) my buddy had some and they were, well DELIGHTFUL lol made for an amazing trip to the beach, check it out if this thread interested you but want to ensure you get something delicious that works lol...
  2. NLOverOntario

    Cannabis Suckers

    Hey I know this thread is more than dead but for anyone interested just got my order in from some site selling THC suckers in canada. Adds were everywhere so I caved and bought a few lol. Theyre KILLER. worth the money id say and if you wanna make them yourself try...
  3. NLOverOntario

    Grow Op

    Man I don't think you are gonna have much luck with this.I am currently looking for a business partner but Your plan seems to be a bit vague, as if you posted this on a whim. Also most people know better than to arrange meeting/ contact about illegal business over a public forum. Good luck but I...
  4. NLOverOntario

    8 X 12 SOG Grow Room Finished

    hey Tat, i have a 4x4 ebb and flow under 1000w hps currently but I use big rockwool cubes instead of net pots, your way looks a lot better though so im gonna switch it up. What is the top of the table made of and what do you cut the net pot holes with? Hopefully not with a jigsaw cuz tha would...
  5. NLOverOntario

    Pure Power Plant-LST Mother Grow- CFL

    Hey guys, sorry if my last post was a bit jumbled I was fairly drunk while writting it. I think that the reason I got those wierd roots was because I added nutrients to my cloner water and it caused some sort of toxicity.. Anyway, these clones are really taking their time to root so I decided to...
  6. NLOverOntario

    is it better to take cuttings before or after i water?

    You're right, allthough it isnt a huge deal you should take cuttings when the plant has the most water stored in it... so probably an hour or two after a good watering. This is important because then the clone has a nice resevoir inside it to use and wil have a better chance of surviving.
  7. NLOverOntario

    Pure Power Plant-LST Mother Grow- CFL

    Yo so I was getting a bit heated out about the other people living in my house finding my grow so I made it INPENETRABLE haha. I put a doorclasp thing on the inside with a spring from a toy gun against it and put some fishing line around the handle to open it from the outside!! Now if you pull...
  8. NLOverOntario

    How much do you sell a sack for?

    MAn i know you specified only Cali people but I HAD NO IDEA shit was so expensive there, here oz are like 160, and a quarter is under 50. Fuck haha that sucks, a buddy of mine just picked up a pound of Bubble Kush for 2100, and that shit could put you in a coma. COME VISIT CANADA BOYYZ
  9. NLOverOntario

    Anyone out there LST mother plants?

    Hey man check out my journal maybe that will help. ->google pure power plant mother LST CFL (the link here doesnt work)... I get 15 clones every two weeks easily, and more come back each time!
  10. NLOverOntario

    Pure Power Plant-LST Mother Grow- CFL

    Well this is all very confusing because I posted me switching to neopreme cutouts that i cut from those kid mats on my last post.... even though I did it today. so here are the pics from a week ago that I couldnt post- for some odd reason. Also I did a little trial run on transplanting one of...
  11. NLOverOntario

    Pure Power Plant-LST Mother Grow- CFL

    Hey everybody, sirsmokesalot especially, sorry I havent been able to post in a while, the pics havent been uploading recently. ANYWAY so as I am going to university next year I am getting ready for an outdoor crop for myself as well as producing some clones for a fellow grower... All in hopes of...
  12. NLOverOntario

    Why do people pick on the noobie's ???

    Man most people on this site are pretty good at helping people out. I find that whenever thers a rude post its because of noobs asking about stuff they could find out about in 5 seconds with some effort. I really dont think it was worth making a thread about and it just made you seem timid and...
  13. NLOverOntario

    Pure Power Plant-LST Mother Grow- CFL

    Fuck Iv been trying to post pictures for you guys for a few days and it wont let me . It says there is a security problem???? wtf anyone know anything about this?? I changed my setup completely and I want to show it.:wall:
  14. NLOverOntario

    Pure Power Plant-LST Mother Grow- CFL

    Hey so ya Im not sure where you live and if you have a home depot.. but i got all my cfl's from there. 13$ each, and they also have ones good for flowering. However I have also seen them at walmart I believe.
  15. NLOverOntario

    Pure Power Plant-LST Mother Grow- CFL

    Well Today I discovered that if you leave your lights off for 4 days, then your plant looks exactly like a plant with Magnesium deficiency. Lighter coloured new leaves, almost white new growth. I left on a vacation to the caribean for a 10 days and left my mother in someone elses care. Who did...
  16. NLOverOntario

    found pollen sacks on 3 plant

    If females plants are really stressed they can produce pollen sacks in hopes of self-pollinating. It can be from heat, or other factors but some people stress their plants on purpose with Colloidal silver or Giberellic acid because THOSE POLLEN SACKS WILL PRODUCE FEMINIZED SEEDS. provided you...
  17. NLOverOntario

    Getting ready for the season!!

    The pure power plant I have I ordered was through my hydro store, they claimed to order it through hgh times... any way here is some info on it-(copy pasted) Oh and Pure power plant was apparently bred by DUTCH PASSION Power Plant Power Plant (mostly Sativa) was developed in 1997 from new...
  18. NLOverOntario

    Pure Power Plant-LST Mother Grow- CFL

    Thanks man thats awesome, ya the pipe cleaners can be used over and over with ease. also they're soft and dont cut into the stem. I need some new lights for my clones does anyone have any suggestions? I was thinking either T4's or some more CFL's. Any input would be appreciated.
  19. NLOverOntario

    Pure Power Plant-LST Mother Grow- CFL

    Ya i guess i could but i really like being able to see the status of my clones. Also i have no nutes in the bubbler and i throw a tsp of peroxide in every once and a while just in case. So far 3 out of 3 clones have survived. What exactly does light do to the roots?
  20. NLOverOntario

    Pure Power Plant-LST Mother Grow- CFL

    Hey Tugweezy, thanks man ya i was using the grate as a guide for the plant in the beginning and just put pencils over the plant so it would bend. Then i grew it along the outside but found it restricted my fan leaves, alot, even though it gave me lots of control. HOWEVER i found it to be a lot...