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  1. Goodtimes


    Sexy! Sexy!:joint: :hump::blsmoke::mrgreen: HALLA!
  2. Goodtimes

    Best strain for indoor cab grow?

    I think hydro is easier, the hardest thing is getting it all setup after that you just need to keep an eye on the water quality which you should do with pots as well. also helps cut down on the mess, But ofcorse to each there own:)
  3. Goodtimes

    Best strain for indoor cab grow?

    Good choice. Do you knwo your square footig
  4. Goodtimes

    Best strain for indoor cab grow?

    Alot of people like white widow or ak47 because they have strong stems and are relativly easy to grow. Are you going to grow it in pots or hyrdo?
  5. Goodtimes

    Question about bulb and light ratings

    one more thing then i'll shut the hell up :) I would be concernd of over heating while your gone. i'm sure you'll figure something out. Blaze on brotha
  6. Goodtimes

    Question about bulb and light ratings

    This is a great idea!:hump:
  7. Goodtimes

    Question about bulb and light ratings

    If you take the door of the hing you can put it back when your done and no one would be the wiser. or you can make a room inside of your closet with fans and the whole deal. and open the door when your home to let fresh air in. If that doesn't work i don't really see any other option for ya
  8. Goodtimes

    Question about bulb and light ratings

    Not sure on the 400 in a 430. personaly i wouldn't do it............... The closets a hard one hmm....well, if you don't have a problem with people finding your plant try taking the door off the hing and make A wall/door with some plastic that way you can cut all the holes you need.
  9. Goodtimes

    why the heck do you smoke that stuff?

    I have adhd so I smoke to clear my head at night. it also helps me think things through more.
  10. Goodtimes

    Super Skunk!!!!!!

    looks like it's getting enough light to me. also looks very healthy. good job bubonic! keep pimpin
  11. Goodtimes

    Music to Smoke to @_@ (suggestions)

    embrace the ending (mushroomhead)
  12. Goodtimes

    Feel free to post a picture of your mom

    how the hell do you put the pic up? I can't do it captain i ant got the power!
  13. Goodtimes

    Feel free to post a picture of your mom

    thats deep fdd:mrgreen: no i'm just playin, i feel ya :peace:
  14. Goodtimes

    how much quantity per plants?

    how much they will produce depends on alot of things. nutrients, watering, plant type, and just the invironment there in. I would say that you could get maybe a little over an 1/8th maybe more. do you have any pics of your plant?
  15. Goodtimes

    How bad are the bugs that roll up in a ball?

    All bugs are bad for your plant. Kill the bastards!:mrgreen:
  16. Goodtimes

    brown tips on leaves??

    what week are you in? it may just be that time. from what i know at the end of the grow some of the big start to turning brown. if thats the case just pick them and keep an eye on it, you should be fine. do you have any pics?
  17. Goodtimes

    WhiteWidow&sum AK-47 grow journel

    lookin good!
  18. Goodtimes

    Where to hang?

    Just hang um. you can do it pretty much anywhere. it has to be dried to get rid of the chloraphill(yeah i can't spell) that is why you need to check the little peaces of leaf that are still on the buds and see when they are grey not green. A paper bag may work but i think it would take longer. I...