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  1. Gero1684

    first time ready for some criticism

    Looks like your doing a Good Job. How many weeks into flowering are you?
  2. Gero1684

    Its To Dry!!

    I would suggest taking them in the shower with you.(Sound funny I know) Open up your jars and let them sit in the steam for sometime. I do this with my Cigars to "Re-Charge" them when Im too medicated to remember to add water to the humidifier. Once I do that there good to go. I've only had to...
  3. Gero1684

    Plant leaves

    I think its time to transpant to bigger pots. Make sure the soil drains well. you could be developing root rot & you def. need to get some Better Nutes. Look into Fox Farm Nutes...
  4. Gero1684

    BongFiends Mini Journal

    Nice Journal Bro
  5. Gero1684

    harvest pics!!!

    Nice Grow- Fox Farm Nutes work really well