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  1. S

    How am I doing

    Furthermore, trying to help and being a dick are leaps and bounds apart.. how is it you are able to blend the boundaries between the 2 so effortlessly?
  2. S

    How am I doing

    All I wanted to do was encourage him with his grow because I'm doing something similar with around the same amount of resources. That's all. :-( but, thanks for your opinion on my plant! Maybe next time you should wait until I ask for it though?
  3. S

    How am I doing

    Well you seem to be bent out of shape over something, relax and smoke one of those plants you boast so highly of :clap:
  4. S

    How am I doing

    dude relax... I wasn't trying to undermine what ever authority you think you have, I was merely saying that properly placed cfl's can yield a decent harvest, (sort of a glass half full look to his grow as opposed to your pessimistic stop wasting your time banter that served very little purpose).
  5. S

    How am I doing

    Oh please... I've seen folks on this site grow half an oz with 2 cfl's... it's all in the placement. This lady is being grown with 3 26w 2700k cfl's nothing more nothing less...
  6. S

    Inidica Dom. 200w CFL Cab First timer.

    have you used any pruning techniques? topping, lst, fim, etc? looks very bushy!
  7. S

    Last two weeks flowering, MH?

    Never heard switching spectrum's the last 2 weeks would help increase bud size, have heard cutting the lights the last 2 days will help increase tric development quickly, but have yet to implement this.
  8. S

    Hair test help

    You my friend are fucked. Roomie had a hair test to be a chemical engineer at Johnson & Johnson. If you try shaving your head not only will it arise suspicions, but they'll simply take it from another part of your body (ie. armpit, pubes, etc). If you have NO hair at all or you manage to...
  9. S

    HELP!!!! 1st grow using CFL

    5 weeks, wow. It's on a slow track it would seem. As far as vegging nutes, FF Grow Big works very good IMO. My plant is 2 weeks behind yours so I would say you should be fine to use around the same strength as I am (if not more powerful). But currently I use about 1/2 teaspoon FF Grow big &...
  10. S

    Is website closed down????

    Site works for me, they still have Christmas stuff up, but for the record I build websites for a living, if they were simply changing out the festive material it wouldn't cause the site to go offline, it's a super easy process, just ftp'ing the old stuff in replace of the new stuff. Perhaps you...
  11. S

    1st grow, is there a problem with this?

    LOL, glad I'm not the only one who got that impression ha. Your beauty is looking so nice, I'm back from campus (for obvious reasons) I left my plants at my house, but it's only an hour drive so I go back every 3rd day to feed them ha, it's a nice surprise to see the growth every 3 days as well.
  12. S

    Can i grow my plants with Fire?

    Ha, that actually sounds pretty cool. Science project anyone?
  13. S

    1st grow, is there a problem with this?

    oh wow, looking beautiful.
  14. S

    1st Grow 1st Journal

    WOW! they look very sharp
  15. S

    1st grow, is there a problem with this?

    I wish, the old fashion way with some Fox Farm soil, solo cups (until they out grow them), and 3 CFL's hovering over from a super samll dresser in my closet haha, oh and + rep back :)
  16. S

    1st grow, is there a problem with this?

    Wow! your plant has flourished! I remember seeing the 1st picture of it a couple weeks back. Day 2 on my 2nd grow, hope they start looking like yours ha.
  17. S

    check out my grow, newbie

    looking very nice, I'm on my 1st grow as well. How long have those plants been going?
  18. S

    Welcome New Members!

    hello all, new here & 1st time grower, hoping for success so I can stop draining my bank account ha