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  1. bishter

    Teens at California school getting high on medical marijuana

    hang on guys, if this was an adult would your guys reations be diffrent?
  2. bishter

    growing marijuana! on your computer!

    hope you guys enjoyed the link, its a good game
  3. bishter

    growing marijuana! on your computer!

    funny the game wasnt made five years ago:mrgreen:
  4. bishter

    guerrilla growin

    hahah yeah apprentlry dog shit is really toxic! (thats what i heard) i think it would be too because dogs probbly have more pathogens causing problems in go with chicken shit like Dr Green horn said. why dont you plant the mj in a bush then the mj will grow with the bush making it look like one...
  5. bishter

    guerrilla growin

    if i was you id germinate them in a paper towl, why would you want to throw banana peels in the soil whilst your plant is germinalting that would make the ph fluctuate and trustt me PH can be a big issue with seedlings it can lock out important nutrients , i would just get some big buckets dig a...
  6. bishter

    growing marijuana! on your computer!

    who wants to grow there verry own marijuana on there computer? this game is the real deal its the funest thing iv ever played (except for waiting for my plants to grow!) here check it out guys , i promice you wont be dissapointed and i usaly hate games!!
  7. bishter

    anyone heard of this strain? "PICTURE"

    my dealer (close mate) brought home two platnts the other day, he told me they were called "african kush kush" its a predominatly brown plant with light green specks on the buds, it is extremely leafy, and has a earthy smoke to it, the high isnt too strong and it looks like a sativa strain HERES...
  8. bishter

    DIY Grow Tent - Cutting all cost corners.

    anything wrong with treehugging? people need to just care for the enviroment more, trust im no hippy/treehugger, just caring for the enviroment thta cares for me :!:
  9. bishter

    Pinching Tequniques

    hey guys, , im jsut wandering if anyone has any information on pinching stems when they first sprout up, it did wanders for my plant im thinking about pinching some nodes off, but im not sure yet, im also training my 4 week old seedling, im thinking of doing it in a big O shape (tying the tip of...
  10. bishter

    DIY Grow Tent - Cutting all cost corners.

    just a questionn :) why would you use new PVC when you can salvage all sorts of things Eg: Wood, old pvc pipes, and puls save the enviroment and dont buy pvc becasue producing pvc pipes releases one of the most toxic chemicals (forgot what the name was lol)
  11. bishter

    Another yellow plant :(

    PH problem , low ph causes yellowing and nutrient lockout backed up by growspecalists comment :)
  12. bishter

    The anti pothead smoker

    why dont you think teenagers should smoke? thats the age that you have the most fun at plus most teenagers these days are responsible, why cant they enjoy it , isnt it a bit unfair? who says there not mature ether? i think they have as much right to be smoking as you, i mean i have been smoking...