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  1. SoMeGuY1337

    Help with fast drying/curing!!!??

    This is a great way to get them done quickly without sacrificing any of the thc. See you could do damp paper towels in the microwave or a very low setting in the oven but the thing is at a certain temperature the bulbs on the top of your precious trichromes will begin to bust and thus yield...
  2. SoMeGuY1337

    what's the shortest veg cycle you've done?

    Some people do 12/12 grows where they will start with 12/12 and keep it from seed. It allows even the worst micro grower to leave a plant non-manipulated and still have a sizable plant to boot. A website like here details such: . So basically 0...
  3. SoMeGuY1337

    more important....lights being closer to plants or lower temperature???

    You need to keep it at least a ft away from the top of the canopy. I have seen one too many times where people have neglected to raise their lights and it has severely burned the top of their plants. You don't want your 600w to be smoking your stash before you get to.
  4. SoMeGuY1337

    Marijuana Culture in a 3rd world country

    The propaganda machine continues to roll, sigh...
  5. SoMeGuY1337

    Canadian Police Find Bears Guarding Pot Crop

    Im not going to lie that may be one of the best/craziest ideas yet. lol