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  1. Soulreapier

    First Legal Illinois outdoor grow, so do I put up this greenhouse or no?

    I would think normally this is a no brainers, of course. Here is the real issue, I can't make it big enough so that the plants won't touch the sides. They are like 10' and like 4' wide. I never expected them to get this gigantic. They have pretty much filled the area there for them. So do I put...
  2. Soulreapier

    Cops can now track you via GPS with no warrent!!!! GTFIH NOW!!

    Government agents can sneak onto your property in the middle of the night, put a GPS device on the bottom of your car and keep track of everywhere you go. This doesn't violate your Fourth Amendment rights, because you do not have any reasonable expectation of privacy in your own driveway - and...
  3. Soulreapier

    Got Any Funny Stories?

    I know this post is almost a year old but I had to say something...The dudes a cop. His Name is L.E.O. He's asking for names and schools and addresses. He's got a notion that weed is some crazy drug that makes you hallucinate and instantly loose your memory. Fucking Pigs!!
  4. Soulreapier

    O M G HELP!!! guns and weed felony need help!

    Quote Dustinv420: cops roll up search us and we both happen to be clean but i admitted i was there to buy some weed after the dealer told them ( i think he was a snitch). anyways to sum it up they want me to snitch on other people. I hate to be the one to point this out but you just...
  5. Soulreapier

    the oil spill is just one part of the governments plan to destroy america

    No more like Govt. doing big business bidding. De-regulation and corruption are rampent in the all our hallowed institutions. And now Briton and the Obama administration have deemed BP "to big to fail" same as all the other companies who are lining the pockets of our "elected" officals. Now I...
  6. Soulreapier

    EZ @ss

    So this is my first post but I've been lurking around for about a year now and been growing for just about as long. And so far on my indoor grow I have never grown anything from seed. Even my first plant was a clone from a friend. That being said I have about a 90 - 95% success rate at cloning...
  7. Soulreapier

    3 finger sally

    My last grow a buddy gave me a clone of some White Label Double Gum and for most of the grow it only had 3 fingers. At most some of the really big fan leaves had 5 fingers but I think I only had about 4 or 6 of those on each of those clones. In fact I think all of the clones I have of that still...