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  1. Potseed McGee

    WTF is this?

    Partially hermied perhaps? I can't honestly say these plants have had an easy life..
  2. Potseed McGee

    WTF is this?

    Can anyone help identify what these are? I found this in my bud after grinding it up a bit, they seem to be semi rigid, white exterior (almost looks like fibers) and a golden interior. They are present they are present in the little "sacks" of the bud, sorry I can't describe it more...
  3. Potseed McGee

    First time grow - PPP from Nirvana

    June 1 Here they are pre-dry
  4. Potseed McGee

    First time grow - PPP from Nirvana

    Hard to say, I can't risk it either way. All 3 plants will need to get chopped. as Ill have to use the tent to try it out since it has the air circulation and filtering for the smell
  5. Potseed McGee

    First time grow - PPP from Nirvana

    This is definitely not an easy decision to make. I'll lose out on 2 weeks of growth versus potentially losing the entire crop.. :-\
  6. Potseed McGee

    First time grow - PPP from Nirvana

    Do you think it would be best to just chop it now?
  7. Potseed McGee

    First time grow - PPP from Nirvana

    I have a timer, pump and reservoir, the problem is that it seems to 'keep watering' even after the pump is turned off, multiple times I have come to find water in the tent. Im not sure I can trust it.
  8. Potseed McGee

    nirvana PPP + 78w of cfl

    She's quite the beauty! Looks HUGE! Care to take a picture with something to reference the size? Very awesome indeed
  9. Potseed McGee

    First time grow - PPP from Nirvana

    May 31 So heres the deal, this is likely the last update for these plants, they're about ready for chopping. Unfortunately, work has me flying for nearly 2 weeks before getting home, and I am worried about my plants. I don't have much time to make sure they'll be ok as I have to leave tomorrow...
  10. Potseed McGee

    First time grow - PPP from Nirvana

    So i checked on my babies today and something odd has happened. A lot of new pistols formed out of the buds, ever seen this before? Edit, photo here:
  11. Potseed McGee

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Im curious to hear what you think about my babies, they were started on March 8th, or so and started flowering around April 4th. I'll post the links since they are somewhat large:
  12. Potseed McGee

    First time grow - PPP from Nirvana

    Yeah they look pretty good. I'm guessing probably 9 more days of flower before they get chopped. Hard to tell exactly. Now I'm starting to get curious about the strain/yield!
  13. Potseed McGee

    First time grow - PPP from Nirvana

    May 21 Well, I wasn't able to update the last week or so due to work so here we are They went about 4 days without water, though before I left they were accidentally uh,.. semi-flushed completely wet so they managed just fine it looks like.
  14. Potseed McGee

    nirvana PPP + 78w of cfl

    Oh yeah, she is definitely looking prime! Looking very good indeed! How big are those buds would you say? They look massive!! I'm quite jealous :)
  15. Potseed McGee

    First time grow - PPP from Nirvana

    Yeah pretty crazy indeed!
  16. Potseed McGee

    nirvana PPP + 78w of cfl

    Looking very awesome dude! Those buds are looking very nice indeed!
  17. Potseed McGee

    First time grow - PPP from Nirvana

    May 9th Not too much to update really, plants are doing well, I think I'm going to have to start feeding them more water, been only doing about a gallon for all 3 plants every couple days. Leaves are yellowing so it seems to be progressing quite well!
  18. Potseed McGee

    nirvana PPP + 78w of cfl

    Yeah, looks like I'm a week behind you. I started flowering on April 4th, so four weeks should be this coming week. My buds are really flat but I'm not overly worried, this is my first grow. Learning phase. :) And on the plus side, if my work does move me, it'll be to the land of pot, California :)
  19. Potseed McGee

    nirvana PPP + 78w of cfl

    Ah ok, are his plants short and busy as well? It seems its a really slow grower (at least mine is) but that could because of how abused she is. The mysteries are doing very well, i've read they put on the most size the last couple weeks (and they should be ready when the trichs are cloudy) so...
  20. Potseed McGee

    nirvana PPP + 78w of cfl

    I've noticed that too, the PPP plant doesn't seem to suck up water very quickly, unlike the other two which need water nearly every other day. I'm not sure what strain they are, but I sure hope they aren't bag seed :) (free mystery seeds from nirvana when i bought the ppp). Curious, do you...