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  1. P

    Why Does My Ph Go Up Every Day? Will I Ever Stop Adding Ph Down?

    The reasons may be many, substances can affect absorption but I have the same problem with NOT recirculation system or DRIAN TO WASTE system, i would try without airstone in the next refresh, as mutefruit says.
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    Why Does My Ph Go Up Every Day? Will I Ever Stop Adding Ph Down?

    Hello all guys, i think the problem isn't only hydroton or rockwool medium, i'm using a DRAIN TO WASTE aeroponic system and i have the same ph up problem. I make solution at 5,8 and next day it go up 6,5-7,0, i using tap water with 7,5ph and 200ppm. My nutes are Floranova series from GHE, with...
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    MY True HP Aero Plug&Play Pods

    I'm interested too
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    MY True HP Aero Plug&Play Pods

    Me same but is hard to fine tuning, you have the same times also in the dark period?
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    MY True HP Aero Plug&Play Pods

    What timer you using? I have found this, looks good value for money, 89€
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    MY True HP Aero Plug&Play Pods

    Hi, this is my home made TAG attempt. I have explained my project with some pictures in my post here:
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    MY True HP Aero Plug&Play Pods

    I have saw here: Thanks for the .pdf but i have floranova grow and bloom no one-part. I was fooled by the scheme because i am no expert fertilizer and have buy all. I can go with Floranova Grow and Bloom only? What do you think about?
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    MY True HP Aero Plug&Play Pods

    Thanks fatman, very interesting lesson. Ok i can go without bio roots and bio bloom, but i have another one, Diamond nectar. I can use this with Floranova? this contains Humus, i can try to make a solution with fert and diamond and check ph, i hope it remains stable. EDIT: my system is drain...
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    MY True HP Aero Plug&Play Pods

    I have saw this in the GHE program for hydro and aero, with the Bio Bloom. If i correct ph little and often can cause problem? You think i can go without it or corrupts the performance? Thanks for the explanation
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    MY True HP Aero Plug&Play Pods

    Hi guys, i have problem whit my PH. I have prepared my solution in this order: 10 litres of tap water at ph 8.0 2 ml of Bio Roots from GHE correct ph at 6.0 with PH Down from GHE 1 day after he up to 7.5 and day after same. Today stopped at 7.0 My this normal?
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    MY True HP Aero Plug&Play Pods

    Im newbie and this thread for me is the best, very good for beginners to learn, unfortunately people often surrenders to the first difficulty.
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    Thanks for add Earl ;)

    Thanks for add Earl ;)
  13. P

    MY True HP Aero Plug&Play Pods

    Yes the pipe are soft and expand when is under pressure, i misure this for you later ;) The solenoid is ok because he work togheter the pump in the similar coffee machine. The position of nozzles as come from the pot layout i have in mind like this: I can point some nozzles in the bottom and...
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    MY True HP Aero Plug&Play Pods

    Hi Atomizer, I using a flexible pipe for gas, can take 20 bar of gas pressure, the line is 3 meter long whit 4 nozzles. The flow rate is 0,06 LPM for nozzles The pump is a low flow vibration pump, she produce 15 bar (217,5 psi) is designed for expresso machine coffee My friend give me...
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    MY True HP Aero Plug&Play Pods

    This is what i have in mind, i think to close the solenoid with the same relay of the pump to go in synchrony, i go to search supplies, thank you!
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    MY True HP Aero Plug&Play Pods

    Hi tree farmer, for now i can't buy an accumulator tank but i use a vibration pump, she can run 15 bar immediately (i know this is not TAG but is what I can afford now). When cut off the remaining pressure continuely run over the nozzles, i think need a relief valve or solenoid normaly open...
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    MY True HP Aero Plug&Play Pods

    Hi all, This is my first post and i want make my TAG but have a problem with pressure... When shout down the remaining pressure in the pipes continue run out for 6-7 seconds. The nozzles have anti-drip valve set on 25 psi, this can cause the issue? Anyone have this problem? what to repair...