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  1. medicalmary

    Advanced Nutrients pH Perfect . Enough said. mm
  2. medicalmary

    Advanced Nutrients pH Perfect

    Cool it Winston! When I look at a fertilizer I use the product label in order to figure out what salts it has in it, because (as you said) pretty pictures do not tell the full story of what the hell is in the product. And yes, the slope of my brow and experience level do not allow me to...
  3. medicalmary

    Advanced Nutrients pH Perfect

    by the way, check this out. She is cartoon hot! What the hell is this product? it is only minimal potash and some industrial surfacant that is moderately toxic and very destructive to the environment...
  4. medicalmary

    Advanced Nutrients pH Perfect

    What is sensi two part? I was looking on the AN website and could only find a four part base nutrient line called sensi that had a grow A and B and a bloom A and B. Is this it? This is not a...
  5. medicalmary

    bugs in my super soil? clear up close white from a distance

    make sure they are the right species of mites, basically predator mites. If they are multiplying then they must have a food source. They might be the least of you worries. mm
  6. medicalmary

    clones look burnt????

    Rain water should have a lower pH then you want for clones. I like adding a couple of ml of high phosphorus bloom fertilizer to clone water and pH to 6-7 depending on what you are using to stick them with. Depending on the size and how long it takes clones to root they sometime yellow out...
  7. medicalmary

    Small, flying insects making holes in my outdoor plants!

    figure out what you have first and then figure out how to deal with it. Different insecticides do different things. mm
  8. medicalmary

    Advice with Bug Control?

    I personally do not like the ocean forest. It is overpriced and tends to be very hot. Doesn't have good buffering capacity and isn't innoculated with beneficial bacteria or mycorrhiza. Should be sterilized, but sometimes things get through due to quality control issues as with any soil...
  9. medicalmary

    Advice with Bug Control?

    Also, if you have spider mites they will try to up sell you products like predator mites. These only work under very specific environmental condition. Make sure that the kind of predator mites you get will actually live in the place that you grow. mm
  10. medicalmary

    Advice with Bug Control?

    Mite kill website doesn't list any active ingredients or anything about how it works or what it is. It is a sham. All it says is that it is exempt from FIFRA, which of course is suspect as well. Organic does not mean safe. It just means untested by the EPA and FDA. The nematodes usually...
  11. medicalmary

    Can anyone tell me what these spots are, two plants have different problems.

    That is good and all, but the question being addressed was if I spray azamax/azatrol/neem on plants at very short intervals will it hurt my plants. The reproductive life cycle of the two spotted spider mite is very quick in indoor growing environments due to high temperature, low humidity, and...
  12. medicalmary

    Possible method for control of spider mites with a cool mist system

    Once the plants are cut and start to dry the live mites vacate the plants. There are, however, eggs on them still. If you go for a long drying period and the generation of spidermites hatch and vacate, then you will not have bodies on the buds. However, the mites have to go somewhere. So...
  13. medicalmary

    Nute relate yellowing in the last few weeks of flower

    I've never grown with urine and don't plan too, but remember from somewhere that urine has a lot of urea in it. It would have to be pretty diluted to not really burn plants. Think about when you go to bathroom outside and it kills all the plants around the spot. Dogs and cats kill plants...
  14. medicalmary

    Possible method for control of spider mites with a cool mist system

    neem oil is an insecticide. use it as directed. it smells and tastes terrible. so beware to not spray on buds.
  15. medicalmary

    Possible method for control of spider mites with a cool mist system

    the alcohol will evaporate. I think the hydrogen peroxide will just break down into water and hydrogen when you agitate. The pepper oil will probably not turn into an aerosol because it is pretty heavy. If it does anyone in the vicinity will have to wash there eyes out immediately. Do not...
  16. medicalmary

    Can anyone tell me what these spots are, two plants have different problems.

    I found that Azamax every three days will cause defoliation and stunting of plants. It is the same with neem oil. You end do as much damage as the spidermites will do by spraying at short intervals. Can't really spray in late flower or you chance powdery mildew and different kinds of bud rot...
  17. medicalmary

    Dyna-Gro vs Advanced Nutrients Connoisseur (AK47 Grow)

    16 essential salts are necessary for plants to grow. The big three are nitrogen (n), phosphorus (p), and potassium (k). Each fertilizer you use has a 3 digit number on them that has the ratio of these macro fertilizer salts. Calcium, Magnesium, and Silicon are mid tier and are supplied in...
  18. medicalmary

    Advice with Bug Control?

    Yellow sticky traps are really for pest control. They were thought up for use in greenhouse to aid with someone Integrated Pest Management Plan. It is easy to see and identify insects on them quickly and effectively when you have 1000s of square feet of pest scouting to do in short amount of...
  19. medicalmary

    Advice with Bug Control?

    First and foremost, always use a sterilized soil that had been heated with steam for a duration of 1 hour at at least 170 degrees Fahrenheit. So basically buy sterilized soil or soilless media. For fungus gnats, the best way I've found to get rid of them is with cedar oil. Brand names are...
  20. medicalmary

    Plants Getting Eaten

    no one has even tried to figure what kind of pest it is yet. Really dropping the ball on this one. If it was deer, you would not have any plant left. The same with a rabbit or other mammal. It would just eat the plant and move on. I can see a bunch of straw or dead grass that is matted...