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  1. C

    can i grow just adding water

    i have not given my plants any type of nutrients will it still be some cool bd or do i have to give it some 1st timer???
  2. C

    can i bud my tree now

    im an outdoor grower this is a pic of the plant i want to flower so all i have to do is put it and 12/12 does it have to be in dark room or can i put it in the shade sorry for sounding like a dummy but i am a 1st timer and all the help i can get is needed
  3. C

    can i bud my tree now

    i almost lost my tree due to wilted so i now ask can i bud it now before it messes up again i am a 1st time grow but its about 4 feet tall and 3 feet wide its in a 5gall. ...i just dont want to lose it again and all next time so please tell me if i can ....and if i can how do i ?????
  4. C

    Got spotted at my grow spot.. Should I abandon the grow?

    were you high when you saw him that might be throwing your judgement off big time you might have been high and paranoid
  5. C

    first time grower one of my plants wilted

    so i should pull all the dead leaves off of the plant ..your good and fast with the answers i really do appreciate the help
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    first time grower one of my plants wilted

    even my pistols turned brown like dead looking i missed 1 day watering all my others stood strong but this one didnt ..will it come back to life??? and 2 if it does will i get some cool bud to smoke??it used to be the pretty one out the bunch and the biggest by far ..i just need help some type...
  7. C

    first time grower one of my plants wilted

    i got it to come back but 30% of my fan leaves are brown will my plant come back to full life with some good smoke??:cry:
  8. C

    can i still make it

    one day without water and it turned its back on me the othe plants made it smh
  9. C

    can i still make it

    the last pic is the one that you can see okay ..the 2nd to last is where you can see it turned brown they used to be green...the 2nd pic is another plant that is going question is are you sure i dont need to pull these dead guys off ...and...will my plant with the brown buds make it
  10. C

    can i still make it

    what about my pre flowered buds they look brown now will they bounce back.. and it gets a lot of sun but when it goes down a tree is covering it a lil bit so i should move it more to shade is what your saying
  11. C

    can i still make it

    man im in southern cali and the temp has been in the 100 for the last week i missed 1 day of watering and all my other plants held there own but this one wen into a crazy mode all my leaves dropped and now 25% of my leaves are dead (it just looked like the whole plant went to sleep and didnt...
  12. C

    can i still make it

    i didnt water my plant for one day my plant lloked like it dies all my leaves were laying down as if it went to sleep i watered it heavy and it kinda bounced back but my lil buds look like they lost there look can i still get some good out of it ????
  13. C

    i know this does not go here

    is there a web site i can check for the countys and zones???
  14. C

    i know this does not go here

    is there a web site i can check for the countys and zones???
  15. C

    i know this does not go here

    but can you grow medical marijuana with in a school zone i didnt know where ekse to ask???
  16. C

    I Need To Know

    if my clone i just planted leaves are all dying does that mean my plant went into shock and its done???
  17. C

    spider mites need help 1st time grow

    now when you say wash it off can you tell me what you mean by saying wash it off i am a first timer but i would like to thank everyone for their input im going to try the neem oil but i am a lil scared it will take away from the taste
  18. C

    spider mites need help 1st time grow

    i planted them april they started flowering mid may (i think because there clones) i bought both sprays but people are telling me dont add neem oil because i am in the flowering stage so i dont know what the f**k to do anymore ..can i spray it or no do i just have to ride out with the bugs
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    my two clones are doing that right now as well i think its just because its a clone but they are still growing taller and stronger
  20. C

    spider mites need help 1st time grow

    ok so i got this first you guys told me not to use it because its in a flower stage so i got this neem oil now please tell me will this knock out those mites i need help they are on my plants bad im a first time grower so i really need help so i can stop doing this :wall: eveytime i go out and...