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  1. Silent Running

    Dr. Oz discusses MMJ

    Anyone catch the segment today? Montel Williams hit on some awesome key points and the main guy from NORML was there. One of the loudmouth audience members against MMJ actually looked like a heroine addict. I had to give an "OOOOOOOO!" when Montel pointed out the doctor on the discussion...
  2. Silent Running

    DWC/Soil - 400w HPS - Sexy Avatar!

    Ok, so I bet it was the last part of the title that got you to come look at this. W/e it takes. lol Going to be doing a soil and dwc side by side grow in a 4x4x6.5 tent using 400hps. I currently have 5 NLs and a PW under CFLs in soil...waiting for them to break the surface. Once they do, 3...
  3. Silent Running

    There she grows!!

    I don't understand the difference between posting a grow journal here and posting one in the 'journal' area. I'm sure I'll be schooled on the correct method. I'm getting ready to start a DWC grow. It'll be my first one. I have a soil grow of low ryders that is coming to an end. I figured...
  4. Silent Running

    Curiously short and bushy

    I tossed a bag seed (second pic) in soil and threw it in a pc grow case 30 days ago. It sprouted and took off like crazy...staying low and compact but getting bushy. I had to change out pots 3 times to keep up with its growth. I'm in the midst of converting a dresser into a grow box, so for...