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  1. 906breeder

    Look at all that hair!!!

    So recently a strain I'm working with showed a very different but i must say excellent trait in a backcross growout...Look at how hairy this thing is..... It weighed in at 4.23 oz wet and after 2 weeks drying and then 3 weeks in cure it totalled about 1.5 oz. Deep pungent fruit smell, with same...
  2. 906breeder

    Preferred Early Harvest?

    Recently one of the people I provide for requested that I harvest the plant early. Only by about a week and a half, but this is when most of my weight gets put on. But they say they prefer the early harvest effects of the plant compared to the peak harvest time. I am just curious if anyone out...
  3. 906breeder

    Project Cannabis

    This is the start of my breeding program. Its probably going to be unorganized on here but I'll do my best. I'm starting with a 10' x 10' room with attached closet that is 2' 6" x 5'. Currently I am finishing up a soil grow so cannot fully convert my space to my needs yet, since I'm waiting on...