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  1. EmeraldCraic

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Thanks for the welcome back Jay, what happened to the bouncy boobies lol. Finally got a chance to have a good look at the 2 older ladies today. Quite a few red/brown pistils, not sure if you can see them in the pics, I know they're not great, need to find my phone to take better macro pics. At...
  2. EmeraldCraic

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Good morning lads n ladies! It's been many moons since I posted here! Just wanted to wave a hello and say I'm back for the info. I've just taken on 3 very pretty and healthy looking foster girls (will get some pics up soon), no idea what stage they're at except that they are flowering and that...
  3. EmeraldCraic

    The Irish Growers Thread!
  4. EmeraldCraic

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Here's a quote from Uncle Ben: Quite often I hear groans from folks having leaf problems -> “Help, my leaves are cupping and the leaf edges are turning brown!”, or, “My plant's leaf tips are curling down and turning black ....what's wrong?” Unless insect damage has occurred or the plant is...
  5. EmeraldCraic

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Yay another girly grower to keep me company!!! Any particular reason why you think they need nutes? I was using plagron terra, plagron enzymes and blackstrap molasses to feed the trannies during veg, only coz they were recommended by the growshop. Didn't have any problems except not giving them...
  6. EmeraldCraic

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    The same as 4 100W bulbs I'd imagine .... Follow ALL the tips here and you'll probably save enough to run 2 400W lol good to be green in every sense :mrgreen:. Someone did post an ESB calculator somewhere... Hows everyone...
  7. EmeraldCraic

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    99% sure they're boys. Couldn't see what others meant by the 'crab claw' in pics but they def look like crab claws when I look at them, not the end of the world, been a good learning experience. Put them on 12/12 last night to make 100% sure, they've got a few days to make up their mind since...
  8. EmeraldCraic

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Oh they're not staying!!! Might do something a lot more fun with them and plant them in a roundabout flowerbed or something hahahaha!!! :lol:
  9. EmeraldCraic

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Well it looks like Celia and Farmer are boys :spew:!!! After another week of scrutinising and wishful thinking, I've accepted it :evil:! On a good note the shooting star seeds have arrived and I'll be starting them off over the weekend. Hopefully this one will go a little smoother with some of...
  10. EmeraldCraic

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    I had to turn the box on it's side to get some height. It's perfect as a little veg box but it'll be useless for flowering coz it's not lightproof. The light is a 70W MH floodlight, good little light so far BUT it has an integral ballast which means all the heat it gives off is staying in the...
  11. EmeraldCraic

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Still no sign of those little hairs coming grrrr the suspense is killing me :lol:!! No clusters or 'balls on sticks' either so I'm staying positive. Celia is really desperate for a transplant which she's not getting till she drops her knickers!! Had to do emergency renovations at 2am ffs, damn...
  12. EmeraldCraic

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Hi lads, how ye all doing?? All well here. Celia and Farmer are developing pre flowers, they look like girly bits but I'll wait till I see pistils before I get excited. Are pre flowers a definite indication of sex?? Finally got the nutes sorted, really underestimated just how feckin greedy...
  13. EmeraldCraic

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Oh yes, and welcome back Jay, hope you had a great time!!! ;-)
  14. EmeraldCraic

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Xbox for the kids, seller took offence to the '420' in my mail address, very abusive and threatening, just a total prick!!! More mad at myself for using that addy, but the paranoia has left and the plants are still here, don't think the gards are going to take much notice of any 'reports' from...
  15. EmeraldCraic

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Aaaarggghhh, made a stupid stupid mistake using a dodgy email address buying something completely unrelated from a dickhead seller on ebay!! With all this talk of 'shit going down' it's made me paranoid for the first time and I haven't even been smokin!! Not sure if I should just abandon...
  16. EmeraldCraic

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Hmmmmm... 'good' news for a change????
  17. EmeraldCraic

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Agreed, really is a shame, I hate going to dealers, not only unreliable but their gear is usually shit!! Let us know how you're getting on anyway.. Celia got the chop tonight, been an hour of preparation and trauma!! Feels like I've just cut off my first born's arm or something. So now I have...
  18. EmeraldCraic

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    That's some really bad news!! Hope it's not going to be too harsh for you. The more I read about cannabis the more annoyed I get that it's illegal, I wonder if we'll see it at least decriminalised in our lifetime. Really feel for you mate :cry: On a good note, Celia is doing better, when she...
  19. EmeraldCraic

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    I knew I shouldn't have named her Celia, breaking my feckin heart, the bitch!!! Then the fella sorting out my veg light said he had to charge me an extra £20 for postage, told him where he could go, so now back to square 1 with the lighting issue. FFS!! So glad I didn't start those ortega's when...
  20. EmeraldCraic

    500w M.H / H.P.S. BLZ BUD Grow

    I read somewhere on here to make a thick twisted plait rope thing from some old ripped up cotton t-shirts, bury one end into the pot and leave the other in a big pot of water, the plant will draw what it needs. Maybe even a few of those yellow 'abzorba' cloths would do the trick, they have them...