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  1. Zakman

    Your Stoner Lingo

    Yeah in my family its always been just "Wanna Smoke?"
  2. Zakman

    need ideas for a new grow room

    Yeah see thats exactly what I'm looking to do I was thinking about an old stereo speaker one of the big ones I could Hollow that out and get something going with that, But a dresser doesn't sound too bad either, I actually have one I don't use too much
  3. Zakman

    need ideas for a new grow room

    Yeah thats what I'm doing right now going around to where I can to find some materials I can use to make a nice set up Thats part of the reason I joined the Forum Get some nice ideas and also share from my experiences
  4. Zakman

    How Much is an Ounce of Bud in your Area

    I didn't go through each page in this topic But how much in BC? Been thinking about making my way down there for awhile now
  5. Zakman

    question about seeds, feminized, etc.

    I dont see why Cloning a fem plant would make it some how go back to the original sex I mean the word Clone speaks for itself no? It'd be an exact replicate of said Mother plant.
  6. Zakman

    How Much is an Ounce of Bud in your Area

    Yeah here in Phoenix its about 350 also maybe 300 if its your people Its a bummer man
  7. Zakman

    3 Word Story

    You should've seen
  8. Zakman

    NooB Advice

    Wow im gonna have to try that greendragonsoda, My question is it gets you fucked up with only a half of gram? That seems a little low no?
  9. Zakman

    question about seeds, feminized, etc.

    Its funny when it comes to growing its always "I heard..."
  10. Zakman

    Attention Atheist

    Right on thats the way to do
  11. Zakman

    3 Word Story

    bestowed upon them
  12. Zakman

    Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

    Haha that Bird that took the bowl was funny as fuck He straight cheesed it
  13. Zakman

    How many grows do you have under your belt?

    Ive got 2 Outdoor grows under my belt started late did my first one in high school Than my next one was about 6 months after I got out Now I've been out for 2 years looking to take it a little more seriously
  14. Zakman

    Jack White

    Pretty bold putting him up there with Jimi and Stevie ray But I totally agree completely underrated
  15. Zakman

    3 Word Story

    Those who will
  16. Zakman

    How many plants?

    Yeah I'm sure that's how it goes I'm probably gonna start off with 1 or 2 hopefully sativa if I can get a reliable seed dealer. But I know after working out the kinks in my grow procedures I'm gonna end up planting a lot more.
  17. Zakman

    How many plants?

    Nice most I've grown were about 4 but it was outside and total amateur I'm hoping to take it on a little more seriously though but thats when I set up a nice indoor grow op
  18. Zakman

    How many plants?

    Whats the average number of plants you guys grow at a time? Just curious cause I know alot of people fill rooms with plants just curious to see if there are some people who just grow maybe one or two?
  19. Zakman

    sativa indica?

    Yeah what about buds From what i know indica's have more dark dense characteristics Where as Sativa's have Light Fluffy buds, Now thats dumbed down a bit but its a good start.
  20. Zakman

    sativa indica?

    Well guess it depends what your talking about are you talking about a whole plant or just some bud you picked up?