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  1. teddywillkill

    How deep of a hole for indica plants?

    not deep but wide do what i do at the end of a summer see how the roots have grown then u will get the way of thinking of the plant s roots
  2. teddywillkill

    general location picking inquiry...

    looks good dude i have a spot like this my legs are covered in stings cuts and a lot of pain so if any one wants ur plant its going to hurt like hell good luck happy growing
  3. teddywillkill

    Max distance of a male's pollination?

    get the pollen of the best male the put it on the best female no and wait for the seed to flow
  4. teddywillkill

    how often should i water outdoor plants?

    here in the uk i was watering 2 plants 2 times a week get as much rain water as u can happy grwoing
  5. teddywillkill

    How far do you walk to your grow site?

    30 mins bike ride one place hour bike ride happy growing
  6. teddywillkill

    street light

    it will not flower my 1st grow in my greenhouse it didnt flower so i had to put them in the shed and been doing so for many years now its pain but u get to control the light so buy a shed and put it nr the greenhouse happy growing
  7. teddywillkill

    Is there an effective method of odor control in a greenhouse?

    get the right strain low smelling and u should be ok stay away from ak47 coz that smells and grow sun flowers and other tall plants and it will hide ur weed its what i used to do
  8. teddywillkill

    need help with nutrients!!!!!

    dude get some bat poo it cost around 10 pounds plus but not much more and it last for a very long time it the best dude happy growing
  9. teddywillkill

    Necrotic patch on main stem is spreading; branches wilt and die :(

    i have this problem in my wild grow on one plant still dont know what it is but i took a load of soil with fish blood and bonemeal bat poo lime seaweed plant food and a week later its much better if u find what it is pm please many thanks happy growing
  10. teddywillkill

    The Greenhouse Seed Company: Methods and Results

    grew 2 big bang last year in the greenhouse about 600 g from them both smoke not to bad high about 5/10 doing cheese this year only one from greenhouse this year but smelling good so far like wet cheese happy growing
  11. teddywillkill

    Nitrogen Deficiency? - Growing in greenhouse.

    dude plants looks good it does need (N) tho just buy MG plant food but start of 1/3 work u way up when it goes into flower sometimes the leafs go yellow as the plant takes away (N) it eats it self inside out get some bat poo dude that stuff if the dogs balls dude happy growing ps get a bigger...
  12. teddywillkill

    Should u allways wait for amber trichs ??????

    i think so to dude seed take longer than what they say mine always go over by a week or 2 or i just like the heaver buzz i like mine to be almost all red b4 i pick good luck happy growing
  13. teddywillkill

    nirvana blue mystic stem problem with pic

    im growing in soil ph is 6.7 to 7.0 i test 2 times a week when i see it. i start with soil mix in some lime fish blood bones ,bonemeal bat poo pertile and when i go to feed its 3 lit water and seaweed plant food every other i did start 1/3 work my way upwards, ph water to 6.7 when feed is in...
  14. teddywillkill

    pic inside nirvana blue mystic in the wild

    ok sorry for being slow. im growing in soil ph is 6.7 to 7.0 i test 2 a week when i see it i start with soil mix in some lime fish blood bones ,bonemeal batt poo pertile and when i go to feed its 3 lit water and seaweed plant food every other i did start 1/3 work my way upwards, ph to 6.7 cant...
  15. teddywillkill

    pic inside nirvana blue mystic in the wild

    as u can tell by the pic its not right it soft to feel and it getting worse help is neeeded with this one many thanks happy growing
  16. teddywillkill

    outdoor worms problem ! help

    those plants are about 16 weeks aways if ur giveing them 12/12
  17. teddywillkill

    Is there any thing else I should be doing?

    batt poo m8 its the best there is happy growing
  18. teddywillkill

    Should u allways wait for amber trichs ??????

    if u want a clear head high then pick it when there are white if u want a stoned high then let them go till 75% are red and some white widow goes up to 10 weeks or u can reduce the lighting by 15 mins a day intill u get to 10 weeks this is what i do happy growing
  19. teddywillkill

    Nutra-Wand Nutrient

    the 1st i only wanna know if u have used one b4 if so are they good or not? thanks happy growing
  20. teddywillkill

    supercropping help!

    top dude ur going to run out of room