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  1. S

    Plant Issues

    I don't think it's too advisable to transplant from soil to hydro and this could be your problem.
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    Help and Advice needed First ever cheap grow 12/12 from seed

    Notice how the leaves are curling down? Looks like it's over watered to me.
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    did this hermi on me

    Even if it hermied like crazy (doesn't look like it did) it wouldn't matter at the stage you are at...... the buds are finished and any male flowers can simply be smoked along with the buds without any ill effects. Looks nice BTW good job, I'm sure it will be some good smoke if you cure it...
  4. S

    how big should passive intake be? to achieve decent negative pressure.

    You want enough negative pressure to prevent air bypassing your filter. Doesn't take a ton of super dank air to make a super dank smell. I think 6" intake hole is probably good, but you could always make two with the option of blocking on off.
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    I know nothing about growing with cfl's

    1. Place plant under CFL.
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    Not your same old "is my closet temps to high" Question. Seeking advice, not urgent.

    To put things into perspective for you - Would you rather have the air be at the right temperature or the plant? The air doesn't give a shit what temperature it is.... but the plant dies at the wrong temperature. If your room is fairly well sealed as some have mentioned an intake, or even just...
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    600W closet AUTO GROW, time is now

    With an exhaust but no intake it should keep smells under control pretty well, and even without the door cracked air will be pulled in from somewhere.(above/below the doors) If the doors are opened only a bit to where you can still feel air being sucked in the smell probably wont escape, but...
  8. S

    Not your same old "is my closet temps to high" Question. Seeking advice, not urgent.

    I don't see any issues with your setup. Assuming your water temperature is staying in the proper range, your air temps and canopy temps are actually amazing for the small space. I don't think it would be possible to do much better without a more powerful AC.... Honestly though you can tell the...
  9. S

    600W closet AUTO GROW, time is now

    You're gonna have a real tough time keeping temperatures in a good place with such a big light in a closet. If you're willing to put a hole in the door/wall for the fan to push air out, then air will naturally be drawn in and it will help a lot. Leaving the door open will help with...
  10. S

    hps vs. mh yellowing fan leaves in bloom issues

    Just ordered this I didn't plan on getting all three, but the LK by itself was 13$ so an extra 5$ for all three seemed like a better buy. Also if you use eBay they have the LK for under 8$ shipped. Can't wait to see if...
  11. S

    Best hps wattage/lumenes, for 1 plant

    How much money/time do you have? The more wattage you run the more you can potentially yield, but the cost increases as well. I've used a 1000W to grow a single plant before.(rest of the crop was male) We raped the plant with bad PH levels and too much nutrients, and failed to LST or top...
  12. S

    hps vs. mh yellowing fan leaves in bloom issues

    Well all those numbers seem pretty good IMO. I've been down the same roads myself and all my numbers look good yet I still get the same yellowing you refer to so hopefully someone can enlighten us. I also have an organic soil mix that I'm using, but this round is the first. Same symptoms at the...
  13. S

    hps vs. mh yellowing fan leaves in bloom issues

    There's another thing it could definitely be. If you water or soil is not perfect (rarely is) then over time the soil PH will change to a less desirable level. For example if your soil has many organic components over time your soil may become too acidic due to decomposition in the soil. This...
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    hps vs. mh yellowing fan leaves in bloom issues

    I've vegged under HPS, but the problem has never cropped up then. Tends to make the plant stretch more though. It does put out more light, but I don't think normal light problems take three weeks to manifest.
  15. S

    hps vs. mh yellowing fan leaves in bloom issues

    I've noticed the same issue, but I've only had experience with 600 and 1000 watt HID systems. Always after switching to the HPS and 12/12 after a number of weeks the top to bottom yellowing you described sets in. Also despite losing all of my fan leaves I always let the bud finish, the "bud...
  16. S

    pc/ultimate scrog grow yield!

    Yeah the risk is that if it's been sitting in water for this long those bottom roots could definitely be starting to rot. This can be pretty hard to come back from, so keep your fingers crossed.
  17. S

    Root bound??

    I believe HPS puts off more light intensity than MH.(at the same wattage) So if you switched bulbs when you started flowering that could be the culprit, not every plants adjusts to increased light intensity the same. Might need to increase the light distance. Especially on such a big plant, it's...
  18. S

    Mexican bag seed grow. First Grow, I have questions about flowering.

    It seems like your setup is eerily similar to the one I'm working with.... Identical tent and a similar light setup, but my cool tube has a really big reflector attached. Also my light is 600W. I'm growing a single mexican bagseed plant as well. Main difference besides veg time is that I super...
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    What is this? (please identify or guess strain)

    Yeah that looks right to me, but that is much further along than mine. I don't have a single orange hair yet, despite an orange appearance in the picture that is only the lighting.
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    What is this? (please identify or guess strain)

    This plant has grown from a seed found in a bag of "schwag" We're talking about a bag with equal parts stem, seed, and bud. The kind that comes bricked with very low quality that you break up and sort the seeds and stems out, leaving a pile of flat bud pieces. The high mostly makes you...