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  1. H

    Stole My Plants.....

    So, some unfortunate bastard stole all 14 of my plants. Literally came onto my property and swiped every last one of them, leaving the one dead one. All of my love and care that went into those babies forever lost. Unfortunately for the people that stole them (which are absolutely punk local...
  2. H

    Stole My Plants.....

    So, some unfortunate bastard stole all 14 of my plants. Literally came onto my property and swiped every last one of them, leaving the one dead one. All of my love and care that went into those babies forever lost. Unfortunately for the people that stole them (which are absolutely punk local...
  3. H

    Factors Inducing Slow Growth?

    Here are some low quality pictures as taken with my cell phone. Let me know what you think.
  4. H

    Factors Inducing Slow Growth?

    The plants are definitely doing better now that they are getting nutrients and more sun. I germinated a second batch about a week ago and put them with the others and they have nearly caught up with the older ones. Still not getting as much direct light as they could be. I'm estimating that...
  5. H

    Factors Inducing Slow Growth?

    So do you have any advice then?
  6. H

    need help making hash

    BillCollector99, Looks like you have a LOT of vegetation in your mixture. Not sure if you can do anything about that right now, but typically with good hash there shouldn't be any vegetation. If it hasn't completely dried (or even if it has), you could add some isopropanol alcohol back to the...
  7. H

    Factors Inducing Slow Growth?

    Not exactly sure how many hours of direct sunlight they were getting. Naturally I can't put them right out in the middle of the field, so I put them on the edge of a river bed and thought that they were getting plenty of light there, but maybe they weren't. I have since moved them onto a little...
  8. H

    Factors Inducing Slow Growth?

    Any takers?
  9. H

    Factors Inducing Slow Growth?

    Germinated around 30 bag-seeds a little over a month ago in germinating mix on a heating mat with about a 50% germination rate. I currently have ~15 seedlings that are currently outside in medium sized compostable pots using a high grade organic potting soil. Seem to be having a problem with...