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  1. Bartecki

    AK 47 & White Russian AutoFlo Regullar HPS

    its ok like that? its really hard to make good photo when liht is on
  2. Bartecki

    AK 47 & White Russian AutoFlo Regullar HPS

    55 days old any opinion pls:)
  3. Bartecki

    AK 47 & White Russian AutoFlo Regullar HPS

    Who can tell me how many i can get from those plants???
  4. Bartecki

    AK 47 & White Russian AutoFlo Regullar HPS

    45 daysWhat u think guys?
  5. Bartecki

    How Many Different Kinds Of Herb Are In Your Box.

    i have AK 47 and White russain but i dont really know which is which, week ago I planted 4 new varieties: Hindu Kush AF Blue Berry AF Diesel R. AF (ofc) and White Dwarf AF
  6. Bartecki

    Best Console Game To Play High

    I remember well when i was younger i use to play in few PS2 games my favourite was NFS4 Hot poursuit ISSPRo evolution and ofc GTA, but the best one was Harvest Moon: Save The homeland now i play only on PC in FPS named Combat Arms
  7. Bartecki

    AK 47 & White Russian AutoFlo Regullar HPS

    OMG my status changed from Stranger to Lerning how to roll (Americans would say "how F*** sweet")
  8. Bartecki

    AK 47 & White Russian AutoFlo Regullar HPS

    so what u use for flowering i want buy st but dont really know what, for sure st natural, I dont want flush coz iam Noob;p BTW in about month I will harvest, we both from north so we may try it together if u like, just think about it and let me know;)
  9. Bartecki

    Autoflower red Dwarf and Hindu Kush - Greenhorn Grow

    beautiful man;) i know u can't say about taste yet, iam just courious;) if u like look at my grow i got some Ak 47 ( sorry i dont know how to add link under my posts)
  10. Bartecki

    AK 47 & White Russian AutoFlo Regullar HPS

    what u think how mutch i can get from these plants? They r under 150HPS 20/4, two r 40cm tall and 40 wide
  11. Bartecki

    AK 47 & White Russian AutoFlo Regullar HPS

    I use Bio-humus Activ, its not writen about NPK its fully natural bro - u know well what iam talking about:)
  12. Bartecki

    AK 47 & White Russian AutoFlo Regullar HPS

    what u think is it going well or not? and i got one question should I stop giving them natural fertilizer when they flowering?
  13. Bartecki

    AK 47 & White Russian AutoFlo Regullar HPS

    About one week of flowering
  14. Bartecki

    Autoflower red Dwarf and Hindu Kush - Greenhorn Grow

    My Hindu Kush sprouted of last night, I will visiting your grow - I am curious about the taste of this variety, i got Dwarf to but White one
  15. Bartecki

    AK 47 & White Russian AutoFlo Regullar HPS

    Six out of ten new babys sprouted, two Blue berry, two diesel R, one White Dwarf and one AF mix seed, still wait for Hindu kush (up till now can't see even indications of sprouting) and one White Dwarf and one Af mix seed, I sowed them in last Saturday, except Af mix seeds which I put in soil...
  16. Bartecki

    AK 47 & White Russian AutoFlo Regullar HPS

    a little up date my 3 little women at their loveliest (day 32/33)
  17. Bartecki

    Leaves curling up, any ideas why?

    I don't want to read all posts, will write something what perhaps was already written. So I had the same problem and it was obviously caused by too high temperature, right after moving away peaks of plants from the lamp the problem disappeared.
  18. Bartecki

    AK 47 & White Russian AutoFlo Regullar HPS

    today i noticed that first plant sprouted , one from AF mix seeds so i dont know what is gona be for sure surprise:)
  19. Bartecki

    AK 47 & White Russian AutoFlo Regullar HPS

    30/31 days old i think they doing well, its easy see differences in the size of plants depending on the size of the pot in which they are. I removed two males and I put 10 new seeds on the remaining place for sprouting, the part from them will grow in boxie but the part I will move to the...
  20. Bartecki

    AK 47 & White Russian AutoFlo Regullar HPS

    So this is male i think