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    Humboldt Nutrients RULE!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Humboldt is they best on the market hands down. For any kind of growing go to their website they win all the big awards for everything all the time they are the shit its not a cheap line.
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    How much water in a dwc?

    And i dont think he was being a dick to you, but like he said i dont think you get DWC yet first off you should never get root rot in a dwc run ever and why do you not have any water left in your bucket at the end of the week or water level should never change ever it stays at the same level at...
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    Plants way too tall!!! Please Help??

    yes hit them with bushmaster and they will stop dead in their tracks they will not grow any taller but will start to bush out
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    and no dont lis to half of thes guys premafrost is not from cali and not from oregon or from holland that beast was breed and made in MICHIGAN love how people say its from here and their and i no the breeder its been in MICHIGAN for a long time and it is not in seed form clone onley love how the...
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    Purple your plant

    yes purple maxx is a great add and works great but your plant has to have the purple trate to it
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    Searching for 1.3 G strain

    Bc bud depot has nice 1.3g has to be one of my fav plants by fair
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    My New Way To Clone Kicks Ass

    Whats up all dont say much in here just lis and look at all the new stuff people are doing well got a new way to get masv size clones and the root ball the size of a baseball. First start off with your normal cut to clone and put in your aeroponics cloner only works in aeroponics let your clones...
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    Eazest Plant To Trim

    avalanch its a super str and its big and no trim at the end at all they all are gone the end thing is this huge bud just cut and hang
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    LED grow panels

    led are the shit bro thes people are reading crap about them and then saying they suck and if done right they will out grow anything out their i have 4 ufo 90 watt and grow from start to fin just fine with very nice yelds but would stay away from the cheap led panels some are not good
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    Best Strain for Pain?

    whats up bro have very bad back pain to the best strain for pain is from ubc chemo this stuff is just made for back pain and it works look it up
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    BRAND new grow In Cali about to buy BCnorthernlights bloom box, any suggestions?

    well that is a sweet ass system they make a sweet box and all the guys their are real fucking cool thats what i was going to get but made my own and its alot sweeter and i paid about 3000 less and its sweeter
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    30 plants, 2000-3000 dollars....

    better watch where in col you are going cuz you will have your shit kicked in and maybe you should move to alaska you can have up to 27 plants anyone can
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    My Grow Cabinet

    bro i love your set up fucking sweet you need to email me so we can talk jshep1111@yahoo jeff
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    Stealth Bedroom...Who Needs A Stealth Cab

    me to i am not getting it how do you get in the room i see what youdid but how in the hell do you get in the room