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  1. M

    Who Needs Help?Ask Here..

    ok well i just started to germinate my seed, but to tell you the truth i do not have a plan to grow this one, I am thinking if i could just grow it in a party cup for it veg then put it outside for flowering the only problem is i live in chicago so its some weird weather. Also how much would you...
  2. M

    New closet grow!! Few questions!

    your setup is looking good but what is your light schedule for the plants and which nutes are yoy planning on using.
  3. M

    400watts And Runnin' | Grower Witta Aditude

    hey im new and i have been reading your journals for the past month i know i am late on them by a year but i just wanted to know where i could find the harvest pics for this grow, please write back thnx I myself am starting a party cup grow and hope to see the yield you got