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  1. T

    Awesome Night

    prolly dood but SWIM took lots of stuff so he didnt really have a grip on reality
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    Awesome Night

    so i was a christian all along i just never actually followed the religion. i always had the question does god exist well tonite i decided to take it a step further with a very close friend of mine. we go to church an before it started my friend asked the pastor to save me or cleanse me as some...
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    Goin to michigan epic adventure

    So one of my very close smoking buddys from highschool just called me up since we havent talked in 2 years an invited me to go to michigan... we decided we are going to be doing alot of things an experiment with some psychedelics that he hasnt tried yet. i will keep you all informed as soon as i...
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    Awesome smoking experience prolly the best one i had in 2010- 2011

    she had no choice of breaking up with him threw text cuz he was in her apt at the time we were smoking in mine there was lots that happened an he is very physically abusive to her. an i didnt want nothing going on tonite i just wanted a peaceful night so she ended it but she i guess liked me for...
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    Awesome smoking experience prolly the best one i had in 2010- 2011

    ok so tonite i was chillin at home roomate was gone nobody else here except me. my nieghbor right down the hall from me 2 months ago was anti pot... well long story short i started typing the cypress hill song i wanna get high to her, and she said she would come down an she wanted to burn if it...
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    pick up windex??

    no bro its all legit shit odes the job
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    pick up windex??

    just got back went to the dispencary an the weed tastes like windex but i got it from the local dispensary so thats kind of wierd it was some kush strain...
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    What's Santa do for money the other 364 days a year?

    :evil:santa an the colonel are the same =[]
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    stoney bongs

    does anybody know of any websites that have really badass bongs.
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    i want ideas for a potleaf tatto that i plan on getting i plan on getting a pot leaf with a quote but i dont know what i want. i dont have a qoute or an idea how to put it on the tattoo give me some idea's
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    fuck shrooms.

    ya i no so many of my close friends are pissed at me cuz i basicly said fuck the world last night an got fucked up on everything i wont be doing that again...
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    fuck shrooms.

    yes i understand it was the adderal now. i usually take 200 mg an i thought it was straight adding 100 mg more well it wasnt so i freaked the fuck out i got that already.
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    fuck shrooms.

    that was my problem i knew that was it.... an to the guy on bottom of page one i am not a kid i own a house. i have a family. an a decent job. im not even going to argue the point out with you
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    fuck shrooms.

    an yes i am on adderal. but i took way to much we are talking i took 300mg of adderal dont ask why an no it wasnt attempted suicide.
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    fuck shrooms.

    so im going to be normal soon...? thats good news
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    fuck shrooms.

    i ate 4 caps. total my buddy picked em up. but i dont know if it is possible to trip for 17 hours straight. an then still seeing halucinations i dont know. if the halucinations stop i will try em one more time after that if it goes bad im calling it quits. i use to eat em all the time when i was...
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    fuck shrooms.

    i have been halucinating in waves perse for 17 hours an my personality changed alot after one use. shrooms are nothing to be fucking with. i officially will never touch em again
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    help identifying a shroom

    is it normal for my eyes to dialate when on some shrooms
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    help identifying a shroom

    ya i tripped out. but i cant determine if it was from the 300mg of addy i took or the 4 caps i ate.
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    help identifying a shroom

    i was on a strickly mushy site an they said they dont believe im poisoned... but they dont no forsure im trying to remember what the caps looked liek