Search results

  1. herbose

    Auto-flower seed problem.

    I've been living in the tropics for some years now and am trying to grow some weed. I bought some expensive AF seeds and have had no luck, they never get past the first real leaf stage. Now I read that the great AF strains were developed from very far north (where day/night can be 20/4)...
  2. herbose

    Interesting news in my little piece of heaven.

    Legalization seems to be catching on here, I didn't see this coming but am very pleased. Link to full story...
  3. herbose

    Kratom experience.

    No, not that kind of experience........more about that but first a cute little story: My wife (Ploy) and I own a .8 acre vegetable and fruit farm in Thailand. We were clearing one area of mostly planted eucalyptus and some local volunteers from seed. She pointed out three young but valuable...
  4. herbose

    Hydro nutes in soil

    I've heard that soil nutes cannot be used in hydro but hydro nutes can be used in soil. Makes sense to me. I was recently given a gallon each of B'CUZZ HYDRO nutes part A (4-0-4) and part B (0-2-4) but have no idea how to apply them to soil growing. Anyone have any experience with doing this...
  5. herbose

    DIY......the Mother Hood

    A small, self contained growroom. I ran into a problem a couple of years ago, I needed a mother plant for clones but my growroom was on 12/12. I started a plant in my bedroom but wifey complained bitterly about the smell (I just don't understand that). Partitioning the growroom was not...
  6. herbose

    US ties

    With 24 seconds left....................
  7. herbose

    Changes in RIU site

    Maybe I'm doing something wrong but I've been having some problems with the site since the last software upgrade. It used to be that when I posted a thread or just a reply I could go to NEW POSTS and it would be there. Not there anymore. Doesn't show up again until someone replies. If I simply...
  8. herbose

    This weeks "Please sign your rep" thread.

    I find it very helpful to know where my +rep comes from. Most sign, many don't. I'm more inclined to follow threads and post from those who give me rep. And more inclined to send some back. Any thoughts on this? Oh yeah, while I'm on my soapbox here's something that pisses me off. I'm not a...
  9. herbose

    You gotta see this......

    Actual commercial for Denmark's version of Costco. They really use this form of advertising. :clap::clap::clap::clap:
  10. herbose

    1st Annual SF Cannabis about?

    Live coverage by the RIU News Team. Streaming video, interviews, seminar coverage, etc...... Could be a lot of fun, maybe even informative.
  11. herbose

    Swat Assault 2 banner

    That banner has a bad habit of covering up pictures and things Right now I can't make a search, the banner covers up the dropdown.
  12. herbose

    Olympic luge athlete dies in training crash.

    Sad....very sad. A good reminder that many olympic sports can be deadly. Those people are packing brass balls/ovaries. Sad...very sad.
  13. herbose

    The TERMINATOR is on AMC right now

    I never get tired of that movie!
  14. herbose

    I made up some terms tonight

    Father and Son Bonging (similiar to bonding). Might you say that a very large woman with a bubbly personality was..... HEIFERVESCENT?
  15. herbose

    Thai stick anyone?

    This is what happens after 5 months of perpetual trimming. "Hey man, let's see who can make the biggest bud".
  16. herbose

    Rep icon

    Why do some posters have no REP icon?
  17. herbose

    You ever think of this?

    One day in the recent past, by geologic time anyway, your dad fucked your mother. He shot upwards of a million sperm cells into her and one of them got to her egg first (a veritable Michael Phelps type of sperm cell), and YOU are here! What if he got stuck in traffic and fucked her two hours...
  18. herbose

    Anyone have Pollinator hash tumbler experience?

    I'm making a hash tumbler similar to the Pollinator and need to know how many RPMs the drum rotates. Anyone know?
  19. herbose

    Damnit all to hell!

    It used to be I would be logged on for days on end. Now I get up for a cup of coffee and I'm auto logged out. I just wrote a long PM and lost it because I got auto logged out. I'd better send this fast......or I'll have to do it over!
  20. herbose

    1000w HID

    I am selling a 1000w switchable ballast with socket attached. 1 MH bulb with approx 1500 hours. 1 HPS bulb with approx 100 hours. 1 Sunmaster HPS with approx 2500 hours. No reflector. Looking for a buyer in SF North Bay area. I don't want to ship this baby. I changed to 600w for heat control...