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  1. L

    Can anyone help

    Not on a tube it's behind it's air intake
  2. L

    Can anyone help

    I do t get why the northern are not flowing and blue cheese are
  3. L

    Why are the two strains so different

    I'm new so I live and learn will the others flower when there ready
  4. L

    Can anyone help

    Thay are all in own pots 10 ltr
  5. L

    Can anyone help

    Thay are both three weeks into flower one set of five don't have a flower on them others look great 5 northern lights 5 blue cheese
  6. L

    Can anyone help

    Differance lol
  7. L

    Why are the two strains so different

    All been started at same time but check the differance 5 blue cheese 5 northern lights what's happening ?
  8. L

    Can anyone help

    I have two strains blue cheese and northern lights 3 weeks into flower look at the sufferance is this normal
  9. L

    do your ladys droop when you top them

    hi everyone ive topped my girls after week one into flower and they have all drooped is this normal as i have only last week gave them nute burn but flushed and hopefully sorted this out any advice really would be helpful
  10. L

    i have had to bring indoors

    it looks like our winter has set in m8 my girls have bin inside for 2 days i have put them on 11/13 11 is the light on they seem to be producing more pistols now i will have to wait an c if it picks up outdoors do thay take longer to flower when outdoors because not alot seemed to be happening...
  11. L

    i have had to bring indoors

    i have two 70 watts dark thats why but there is no actual sun at all just cold damp and wet and a few gale force gushes which took my plastic greenhouse down the garden
  12. L

    i have had to bring indoors

    hi there all was just wondering if i will have stunted growth as the weather is crap and have brought the ladys indoors will it stunt their growth thay bin outside all summer flowering started two weeks ago but temps in the uk really dropping so have brought inside and put under 140watt hps will...
  13. L

    uk outdoor growers! how you getting on with the lack of sunshine??????

    thanks for your advise m8 thay dont seem to be growing toward each other centrally its like they no not to cross paths lol i cant really lst them as my little tomato cabinet aint got the space lol
  14. L

    uk outdoor growers! how you getting on with the lack of sunshine??????

    hi there first time out doors in uk dont really no what to expect made the mistake ov not taking the straggler out thay r both 2foot now started to flower and r both female started floowering two weeks ago would it be better to chop one as i cant remove it from the huge pot would really...
  15. L

    grown outdoors in the uk

    i have grown these out doors in the uk. i dont expect much i should have seperated but it is to l8 now i think unless someone can help thay started to flower last week does anyone no what sort ov yeild you get from outdoors and do you get fluffy or tight buds
  16. L

    Are these males????????? Help please

    i dont see any pistols on any ov the pics which means male mate all of them
  17. L

    three seedlings 1 pot experiment

    what is a tafbang i do reallise that everything im doing is wrong but i just want something to learn to lst on and learn to train three is surely better than one
  18. L

    three seedlings 1 pot experiment

    i no thay take six weeks to mature and i no one pot per plant but its an experiment
  19. L

    three seedlings 1 pot experiment

    people always say there is strengh in depth. i thought i would try that out on a plant lol. the pics were took at 4 days thay a now 14 days. i have topped 2 ov them this morning and pt a 30 ltr pot underneath allso been on 12/12 from seed. its just a learning curve see what problems i get learn...