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  1. shake&bake

    Hlg 600 r-spec wtf

    So I member when the 550 came out tons of videos showing how awesome this light performs so my buddy got rid of his 600 rspec figured same light right so I bought it for a good price I finally plugged it in to see what it was like bright as he'll but the cheap pos uses 208 cool white 64 warm and...
  2. shake&bake

    Nicotine anyone tried it

    So as usual I'm sitting at home bored and I get to thinkin in between verses of graffiti the world playing through in my head about how most people in third world countries grow tobacco not to smoke but basically extract the nicotine mix it with a solution and spray it on their crops as...
  3. shake&bake

    Nicotine anyone tried it

    So as usual I'm sitting at home bored and I get to thinkin in between verses of graffiti the world playing through in my head about how most people in third world countries grow tobacco not to smoke but basically extract the nicotine mix it with a solution and spray it on their crops as...
  4. shake&bake

    The end

    Well my tv show is almost over good bye all you fuck tards
  5. shake&bake

    Colorado gone too far

    I recently went to Colorado to experience the legal cannabis scene. Man they have gone way to far. They're turning it into alcohol OK no where near as bad but still do they really need pot shops 8 of them in a town of 3000 people everywhere I looked it was weed this and weed that I always...
  6. shake&bake

    What Would Jesus Do

    So in my weekly exploration for worthless knowledge I went onto Google scholar and typed in hemp facts, read a book about how Christ, Jesus Christ that is, used hash and that the last supper only referred to soma not wine and the word loaf not bread. Loafs of bread didn't exist back then, they...
  7. shake&bake

    heatsink on hans panel?

    I bought myself 2 hans panels they both have the fans on them. Which i would have to say are pretty much pointless. I was wondering if it would be possible to mount a heat sink to them and then reattach the fan to help cool the heat sink. Would I need to prep the panel what kind of paste do i...
  8. shake&bake

    15 year sentence need help

    i recently went to jail got my ass beat at the bar pretty sure i had a concusion that night but i ended up in jail with my custom glass blown jar with about 1 g in it and now they r trying to get me with the habitual affinder 15 year sentence 3 year mandatory i have two other felonys on my...