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  1. Newguro

    Will I pass drug test? pic included

    my phone takes shitty pictures up close
  2. Newguro

    Will I pass drug test? pic included

    I don't know how many times people have asked this question but I would like everyone opinion. I am applying for a new job and there will be a drug test. Today is my 33 day being "drug" free. It is my dream job and I am freaking out about because i really want the job. I am 275 pounds and most...
  3. Newguro

    Need help tips drying out and die

    This is not the first time this is happen. The tips of the plants seem to be drying out and dieing. This is all taken place in a growbox. I am growing with cfls, there is about 5 45w. The temp is around 95 f. I feed the plant once every 3days with bottled water, alternating between nuts,fox farm...
  4. Newguro

    God i hope this works/ journal

    Day 12 Nuts 10/10/10 water every 3/4 days. Turns out i was over watering so i switched to longer time period between cycles. I transplanted one to a different soil because i think the first soil was to acidic. I added two more cfl's for a total of 6 30w 5000k, in the first post i said they...
  5. Newguro

    God i hope this works/ journal

    this is week 1/7days. No nuts. water every 2 days.
  6. Newguro

    Please help!! Save my babies.

    It is just reg top soil, not potting soil. since they are so small i just gave a few drop of nutes, not much. I plan on switching to coco coir with i get paid.
  7. Newguro

    Please help!! Save my babies.

    No not really. You just feel like floating. Kind of light and fluffy.
  8. Newguro

    Please help!! Save my babies.

    Thanks again. They are nothing special. Just some bag seeds that a friend got for me. He says they are called "popcorn". I never heard of that strain before but i smoked it with him and it is pretty good.
  9. Newguro

    Please help!! Save my babies.

    thanks, i just get so worried about my babies. I want them to grow good and strong. It is a probability that i have over watered. I hear that watering about once ever two day is good. Well i don't have a ph meter right now so i just guessing till i get get the fox farms and ph tester.
  10. Newguro

    what is wrong?

    I am having a prob with my plants. The tips of the leaves are turning yellow and have not grown much. They have been planted for about a week. bin under 3 40w daylight/5000k CFL's and the soil is Scotts premium top soil. I have...
  11. Newguro

    Please help!! Save my babies.

    bump anyone
  12. Newguro

    Please help!! Save my babies.

    I am having a prob with my plants. The tips of the leaves are turning yellow and have not grown much. They have been planted for about a week. bin under 3 40w daylight/5000k CFL's and the soil is Scotts premium top soil...
  13. Newguro

    Noob about to start his first grow! So excited!

    I am in the process of my first grow and i don't know about you but i feel scared, when i do leave the house, that someone will open my box and see it. That is just me maybe.
  14. Newguro

    Put this in your pipe and smoke it.

    Today at work i decided to bring up prop 19. One of my co-worker comments that prop 19 is a bad thing. When asked why she thought it was such a bad thing she said, from what i can remember, that if it became legal it would lead to worse "drugs". She explains more that if cannabis is legal then...
  15. Newguro

    Family photo group shot

    beautiful family. makes me what to be adopted by them
  16. Newguro

    please tell what this is

    I have been reading around a lot and i see the word nuts a lot. What are you all reffering to when you say nuts?
  17. Newguro

    First time grow - PC grow box & kit

    Personally i like the t he first one but if money is a issue go with the second one. A good amount of people will say growing with cfl's are not as good as metalH or High Pressure Sodium. While have never done mh or hps i am more incline to believe that you will get a better grow, from what i...
  18. Newguro

    And so it begins

    Wow, sound like you know what your doing.
  19. Newguro

    Is it okay if i....

    Is it okay if i put a glass thermometer in my grow box, for now, till i can get a real one? You know, the type you put in your mouth to check your temp. I ran out of funds and can't get a good one right now.
  20. Newguro

    I need help!

    Yes it can take a good while. I started 6 seeds and the last two took about a week to finish showing the smallest bit of root.