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    Eagle 20 vs. Powdery Mildew: Day One

    Please clarify, so the Eagle 20 killed the existing PM or did it keep it from spreading? Do you still use it preventatively?
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    Barney's Farm LSD Feminized

    unlikely perkz. I pulled a P off a 1000w with 12 LSD plants. Would have gotten more but didn't have enough time to veg. Overall I like the LSD, but all the mids and lowers are always too fluffy. Also, sometimes I swear I see colored streaks after smoking and often have intense dreams. I may...
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    tiny round white bugs in reservoir

    did you ever figure out what they were? what did you do about them?
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    plants are too big!!!!!!!!

    i personally use at the beginning of the 2nd week. I find I only need to use it for 2 days, then I do a good flush.
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    plants are too big!!!!!!!!

    if you already know you are going to run out of vertical space, you may want to look into using bushmaster. works great at stopping vertical height, but trade off is that many say it is a bit toxic to smoke. If you go the supercrop and LST route, you should put up a trellis to make things...
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    Best Time Of Day to Water? Hydro - Ebb and Flow

    For future reference for those who have the same question. I learned to water 2 hours after lights on and once more 4 hours later. Per advice of my hydro guy and works great for me.
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    will this work as substitute for bushmaster

    Yeah, Bushmaster is the only product I know of that both stops vertical height and shortens flower time effectively. I know there are hundreds of people here that are against using bushmaster for health purposes and to each his own. I'm pretty confident there is nothing like it. Be sure to...
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    BUD ROT - Help Please!! Spray Greencure or Serenade? Early Harvest? Do I quick dry?

    Wow! Thanks for the help, bad news or not, I was looking for the low down. This is a huge bummer!
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    BUD ROT - Help Please!! Spray Greencure or Serenade? Early Harvest? Do I quick dry?

    Please help!!! I just started week 7 of GDP, an 8 week strain (I usually flower for 53 days) and I found bud rot on a 10 top buds yesterday. I cut them out and found bud rot on another 6 buds today. I have already dropped humidity down to 50%, removed infected buds, put in 3 more fans...
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    Anyone know of a BUSHMASTER Substitute?

    How late into flowering do you guys consider it safe to supercrop?
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    Anyone know of a BUSHMASTER Substitute?

    perfect, thanks guys!
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    Grand Daddy purple have a low yield?!!

    Seems unusually light for gdp. Did they fill out at harvest? I would say go with one of the following, romulan, blue dream, northern lights x skunk. all are potent with heavy yields.
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    Anyone know of a BUSHMASTER Substitute?

    can i safely supercrop all the way through the flower cycle? I've already been doing all of the above stated, but am a bit worried, I have Blue Dreams and GDP's under the same light. I worry the BD's will outgrow the GDP. In my previous experience, LST becomes very hard to impossible in the...
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    Anyone know of a BUSHMASTER Substitute?

    I have tried a sample of Bushmaster, which worked great for my Blue Dream plants. Bushmaster was recommended for many reasons of which stopping vertical growth was the most important. I have low ceilings. Is there a generic or cheaper version of HC's Bushmaster. Its just too expensive. I...
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    Why is my baby curling like this??

    I am going through a very similar thing now. I know its not the lighting or heat, as I am consistently 24" from the tops. I am now flooding twice a day at week 4 veg in rockwool for 10 minutes at a time. I am ruling out overwatering as everyone seems to say water at least twice a day. Now I...
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    Californians - How many of you have MMID, state cards, or none? POLL

    OK, thanks for the input guys. I found more specific info here about the legalities. Thanks!
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    Californians - How many of you have MMID, state cards, or none? POLL

    After googling, I do see there is indeed a California State ID card. You are "required" to get one from your counties' health department. I did read somewhere saying to stay legal you must get one through the state. Again I just wonder that if you do indeed have one, if the prompts the city...