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  1. ryannaylorcatherwood

    what do i do now, with all these poppies?

    soak them up in a pot of water for 2-3 days then strain off the liquid and filter out all the plant materials then u can either just drink it or boil it down to an oil and let it cure until its dosent stick then roll it into a ball like hash and hot knife it, always be carefull tho dont drink...
  2. ryannaylorcatherwood

    Cutting Mushroom At base Will Grow New Mushroom?

    thanks for the info i will stick to twisting and gently pulling on the stems thanks!
  3. ryannaylorcatherwood

    Lets see the hashish and oil you gots

    post your hash and hash oil shots/ how you make it /how much it cost/ how much it weighs/ how you feel after token some/ etc.
  4. ryannaylorcatherwood

    Cutting Mushroom At base Will Grow New Mushroom?

    my uncle once said that if you cut a mushroom at the base where it is growing with a razor blade a new mushroom will grow out from where you cut does anybody know if this is true? has anybody done this before? does it work? will a new mushroom really appear? that is all thankz.
  5. ryannaylorcatherwood

    Incurable droopyness

    pots ushally have drain spots at the bottom of the container and that helps the plant breathe more
  6. ryannaylorcatherwood

    Music for Blazing.
  7. ryannaylorcatherwood

    Plants Won't Flower

    keep them on 24 hours light for 10 more weeks then switch it to 12 hours on 12 hours off maby ya might get more in the end..........
  8. ryannaylorcatherwood

    Whats wrong with my seedlings?

    take em out of that room and give em some air for a while mabye a fan
  9. ryannaylorcatherwood

    Up To My Wrists In Shit...Can I Get A Plumber?

    shit in a bag for now
  10. ryannaylorcatherwood

    Will this work (hot chocolate)

  11. ryannaylorcatherwood

    Lets see the hashish and oil you got

    hey thats some lood gookin stuff you got there pappabear thanks for posting!
  12. ryannaylorcatherwood

    Lets see the hashish and oil you got

    post your hash and hash oil shots/ how you make it /how much it cost/ how much it weighs/ how you feel after token some/ etc.
  13. ryannaylorcatherwood

    4 weeks old indoor closet

    it looks like everything is going pefectly fine ,especially since its in a closet and you only got a couple lights not a hps bulb!
  14. ryannaylorcatherwood

    Will this work (hot chocolate)

    all i do is grind up 2 or three grams toss it in a small pot add about 2 heaping table spoons of h c mix and a table spoon of olive oil with one cup of water and it gets me well sedated but i wisk it on max heat and look at the temp on the thermomder i heat it for 4-5 mins.....
  15. ryannaylorcatherwood

    Why are my clones flowering? W/pics

    actully ya becaus when you take a clone off a plant thats not budding the clones should still be in vegetative stage right? so i guess it would make sence if it was autoflowering
  16. ryannaylorcatherwood

    Force flower?

    well it might not say goodbye but it would get afully hot in there with the sun hitting a black garbage can like that espisaclly for that long
  17. ryannaylorcatherwood

    First grow, Two Unknown strains.... Any ideas what they could be ?

    well who knows right the male could have screwed her or there are other people with male plants among you but i think sometimes female plants will just make a few seeds reguardless and if thats the case then the seed will be the same as the plant it came from
  18. ryannaylorcatherwood

    HELP! Rusty brown spots on leaves (pics) +rep

    smoke a few joints with your plant that always helps haha
  19. ryannaylorcatherwood

    What up/ rollitup

    never no rap battle bullshit/ im sick of em always runnin up and dissin gettin fatt do the raps with the chicken ya we all got gifts like christmas presents
  20. ryannaylorcatherwood

    The Germination Rate Report Thread

    ordered the visc mix and all twenty seeds sprouted really fast it was impressive