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  1. GanjaGirl<3

    Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

    She has some kind of ladder/stairs on the side of the table to be able to sit on the chair, which means she's doing it regularly."
  2. GanjaGirl<3

    Little red bugs....

    This should help. It sounds like a mite infestation to me, here's a safe way to get rid of them,
  3. GanjaGirl<3

    Chiddy Bang <3 I love this song! Love it with me??
  4. GanjaGirl<3

    Music downloads?

    Torrents!! -Download uTorrent here: -Go here for torrents -Type in the song/artist you're looking for on BTjunkie pick the torrent with the most green comments (this means people approved of it) -Run uTorrent -Download the torrent you want and...
  5. GanjaGirl<3

    Best Smoking Session You Ever Had

    My best smoking session I had was a couple months ago, I believe it was the very beginning of spring I hadn't smoked for nearly a year prior to this so my tolerance was pretty low I took 2-3 hits off a vanilla blunt and was good to go. Played some b-ball, told some pretty intense stories to my...
  6. GanjaGirl<3

    Mandtids - Preying Mantis - Elf - Entity Hallucinations

    I'm sorry but that sounds crazy.
  7. GanjaGirl<3


    Yeah, I've heard about that. I'll have to watch them sometime. :)
  8. GanjaGirl<3


    I wonder if they're ever going to bring Conrad back. I'm not liking this Mexican bullshit.
  9. GanjaGirl<3

    Scott Pilgrim vs The World.

    If you haven't done so already you should watch it and watch it high as a fuckin' kite!! It just doesn't have the same effect when sober.
  10. GanjaGirl<3

    Jared Leto

    ...I wish I was high while watching that.
  11. GanjaGirl<3

    Was that post really necessary?

    I knew someone was going to pull the "is this topic necessary" comment. But I do not disagree with what you say.
  12. GanjaGirl<3

    Was that post really necessary?

    I agree. It almost seems disrespectful to soldiers to drag their means of war into such a irrelevant topic as Lil Wayne.
  13. GanjaGirl<3

    Did you know...

    Did you know there are no clocks in Las Vegas gambling casinos?? Not one.
  14. GanjaGirl<3

    Riu what's up with the turkey???

    I don't grow. Not yet anyway. I'm in training. ;)
  15. GanjaGirl<3

    West Coast Chronic Vs East Coast Chronic???

    East coast has a bad rap but where I live people know how to grow, that's for sure. I got lucky!
  16. GanjaGirl<3

    Was that post really necessary?

    I agree. I hear it, yet I like it. At least I can tell him apart from most rappers.
  17. GanjaGirl<3

    Riu what's up with the turkey???

    No, it's definitely November. I don't know what you're smokin', Halloween was totally 3 weeks ago.
  18. GanjaGirl<3

    Was that post really necessary?

    Alright so I was watching Lil Wayne's Lollipop video on YouTube and I usually like to read the top comments just for shits n' giggles but I saw a comment by username grizzlyUSMC they had this to say about Lil Wayne: "It kinda saddens me that this guy sings a song about Lollipops in a horrible...
  19. GanjaGirl<3

    Poppa Here

    Welcome to RIU! Trust me you will learn a hell of a lot more, you're dealing with experts here! (Myself excluded). :)
  20. GanjaGirl<3

    I Am Not A Human Being - Lil Wayne This is my current song obsession. (Sorry for the censoring, it was the only good video I can find)