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  1. DarkSquab

    Flowering Questions

    1. When should I expect to see the first signs of sexing? (about 2-3 weeks after it starts flowering. Maybe longer depending on the conditions and the strain) 2. Where will I see the first signs of sexing? top, bottom, middle, etc. (the pistils and flowers develop from the bottom of the bud to...
  2. DarkSquab

    I found 2 Males....what do i do

    Well first off get them away from any females you have so they don't pollinate them. But other then that you only have a few choices with males....You could smoke it if you wanted to but I wouldn't recommend it. You could make hash out of it I heard, you could make cannabutter with it and make...
  3. DarkSquab

    shit taking way to long to show pistils

    Yeah like lime said...30 days is very short for seed lol I would go for at least 60 days. But normally it takes 4-6 weeks of vegging and it should be good. But since you already started flowering it I believe it will be about another week or 2 before it actually starts showing. Good luck!
  4. DarkSquab

    How to...

    Well first make sure they are dried before you do anything. After the drying process put them in air tight mason jars and let them breathe every morning and before you go to sleep. It's also good to pull them out and re-arrange them so they all get cured. You don't have to put them in the...
  5. DarkSquab

    shit taking way to long to show pistils

    30 days of veg seems a little short. Is there any particular reason you did it only for 30 days? Anyway It can take 2-3 weeks sometimes more to show the sex of the plant. Sometimes for sativa strains it could take a little longer. Just be patient. and keep checking everyday. And also check and...
  6. DarkSquab

    Flowering question (Newb question)

    Normally it shows the sex about 2-3 weeks before it actually starts flowering. Clusters of flowers known as buds or colas only occur on female or hermaphrodite plants. Hermaphrodites are plants that are part male, part female. If you want sinsemilla buds, make sure you only have...
  7. DarkSquab

    Growing other plants + spider mites, couple questions...

    Yeah that is prolly the best thing to do unless you really know it would grow well with the marijuana plants. Maybe google it if you really want to do it with them because some plants CAN grow with them but I really don't know any specifics on that or what kind of plants. But In my honest...
  8. DarkSquab

    Growing other plants + spider mites, couple questions...

    Some plants grow well with weed but I would try to avoid it as much as you could. Other plants may attract bugs and stuff like that so it isn't a good idea unless you know for a fact it can grow well with your weed plants. With sage and catnip I really don't know... And yeah I would also keep...
  9. DarkSquab

    Shocking Your Plants After Flowering

    It might do something else to the plant. But I don't see how it will cause it to dry quicker. Not an expert or anything I just don't see how ice cold water would make them dry quicker lol it seems kinda weird. But if you plan on doing this let us know what happens. :)
  10. DarkSquab

    When can I transplant?

    Yeah I have different sized pots and some small jiffy pots to use for seedlings and stuff. So pots aren't really an issue. Right now I am using some CFL lights to grow since this is my first grow I don't want to go out of the way and spend tons of cash on something bigger right now. Plus it's...
  11. DarkSquab

    When can I transplant?

    Yeah I planted some other ones(about 12) they just weren't in house plants because I'm actually just starting to grow and stuff...I know it isn't good to plant it with house plants and stuff. But I did it to see what it would do lol or if it would grow or not. I never expected it to grow...
  12. DarkSquab

    When can I transplant?

    BUMP....Anyone? I don't want to mess anything up if I try to transplant it now.
  13. DarkSquab

    When can I transplant?

    Well I had a few bag seeds and I planted one in one of my house plants that was on the window and I never thought it would grow but it just popped out of the soil earlier this morning(kinda shocked me) I never expected it to grow lol Anyway it still has the seed casing on it. I'm just wondering...