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  1. EVMK

    In water CO2 diffuser

    In what way? how are you growing? hydro or soil? Most people will ask for a bit more info before they can help :)
  2. EVMK

    How is my little one doing? :) With Pics!

    i must admit i have had another close look and im thinking im going to give it about another 3 or 4 days because a few of the lower nodes are getting a little bigger so want them to amber up first :) I was soooo tempted to chop it tonight but i just don't want to make the mistake of chopping it...
  3. EVMK

    How is my little one doing? :) With Pics!

    Thank you very much! thats what i was wanting to hear :) lol Well it looks like i better start getting my dry box sorted and find myself a nice pair of scissors! Thanks again! :)
  4. EVMK

    How is my little one doing? :) With Pics!

    This will be my first harvest so i don't really know exactly what im looking for lol Im currently flowering 5 different Autos under a 600w, with temps between 75 and 80 through complete grow. This is the first one that started flowering and wanted to know when you all might think it might be...
  5. EVMK

    wats de right ph level for weed

    I don't know 100% but i like to keep mine around 6.5, its always done me well :)
  6. EVMK

    I won the attitude pyramid seeds promo!!!!

    better then nothing lol :)
  7. EVMK

    Autoflower. Trying to flower in my veg room any info would be appreciated.

    Im growing 11 Auto's and haven't had any issues with hermie's, they are all flowering nicely. You should be fine having auto's at the same time as long as you vegging with a min of 18 hours light, ive run mine 18/6 from seed and they are going well. I wouldn't be able to give you an idea on...
  8. EVMK

    Personal Air quality affected by plants?

    I used to think about that but mainly the opposite lol I mate had a few plants in a room next to my bedroom and used to think when they were flowing that was making me sleep longer or should i say making me sleepy being next to them for hours at a time lol It could have just me being...
  9. EVMK

    Heavyweight autoflower advise about a problem

    yeah bump this up, i Want to know also :) Anyone with any experience with this?
  10. EVMK

    What evidence do the police need to raid a house in the UK?

    Im not too concerned about police turning up at my house or anything like that, i grow in a tent, vent indoors and use ona products to remove any smell i think there might be after the carbon filter has done its work lol But it still doesn't stop me thinking "What if" every now and again :)...
  11. EVMK

    What evidence do the police need to raid a house in the UK?

    Im just curious really, Im currently doing a small ish grow, nothing i think i would go to prison for but being a true stoner i sometimes wonder if i would get raided.... What evidence would the police need to raid a house in the UK, could they just raid a house from someone tipping them off...
  12. EVMK

    Is it Smart to take pictures with a Smart Phone ??

    as anyone on here will tell you, NEVER post pictures from a mobile phone because of that very reason! There is no problems posting pictures from a camera though :)
  13. EVMK

    reliable seed bank besides attitude?

    I always get drawn to Demon Seeds as they sell single seeds but their sister company Amnesia Seeds sell whole packs, seem to have a good selection and the pricing is ok but their shipping is fast! :)
  14. EVMK

    Weed/Growing/Smoking TV SHOW!! - The Cannabis Connoisseur Connection [YOUTUBE SERIES]

    Im liking your track on ep 2 the cc420 :) finally something decent to watch! keep up the good work lol any chance of a download of that track? lol Cheers!
  15. EVMK

    DIY WEBSITE - just found an interesting site

    Nice find, i might have to give this a go on my next grow :)
  16. EVMK

    Autos HOW TO

    I would personally start with the fluros.... A 600 might be a little to much for them as you would need to get the light close to make sure they don't stretch, plus the fluros will have the right spectrum for the growth stage, i put my auto's under my 600 after about 24 days but i was using a...
  17. EVMK

    Autoflower and Regular growing together?

    Sorry GoldenGanja13, Im still a newbie grower, this is my first grow, could you possibly explain what you mean when you say Fim the tops?
  18. EVMK

    Autoflower and Regular growing together?

    I haven't got it setup like that now, i had a bit of a change around 4 days ago but haven't taken any more photos yet, i will use your idea of the cardboard with foil to separate the two though, i don't know why i hadn't thought of that lol I have a constant temp of around 76 - 78 now but when...
  19. EVMK

    Autoflower and Regular growing together?

    Ignore the tiny pots in the corner, im looking after them for a friend thats just setting up his grow. This is my setup though :) Uploaded with
  20. EVMK

    Autoflower and Regular growing together?

    As much as i want to see the end result, im in no hurry, i want a nice smoke, hence im growing my own lol Im just really fed up of buy crappy size bags of supposed high grade off doggy people! lol