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  1. T

    Rhino seedling - slow start

    ok, Thanks! I had thought that could have happened in the past, so I have been letting this one dry, but just at the surface. Also, I just changed it for the last time hopefully... I went ahead and took the splitters and combined them so one light is parallel to the ground, and I put the girl...
  2. T

    Rhino seedling - slow start

    I do realize I probably started a little too big with the White sisters. Just getting tired of this ol' cheap appalachian bag weed. Good stuff is all gone. Well, I've still got a pinch of it... which I just took a riff on. I am expecting some NL and lowryder to arrive any day now. I'm...
  3. T

    Rhino seedling - slow start

    Yes, they are 6500K. Thank you for the response! I had never thought or read anything specifically about the CFL's needing to face sideways, but now that you say it, it sounds so OBVIOUS. Im figured I over-analyzed it. btw - before I read this post I had already changed it to 6- 26w 6500k's...
  4. T

    Rhino seedling - slow start

    Please excuse my long detailed post. I just wanted to give you all all the information I could about this problem I have, in hopes that somebody can tell me what I might be missing or doing wrong here. I've got a White Rhino (greenhouse colored) that cracked open great after 1 day in cup...
  5. T

    Greenleaf Nutrients is giving away FREE nutrients to 10 people

    I would like to be added to this list if I could. Thanks!