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  1. a187soto

    Hermies?! NOOOO!!!

    Damn they all look great man. 6ft?! Monsters! You said "without busting any balls." If by some chance this girl does herm, is there a way to prvent to sacks from bursting?
  2. a187soto

    Hermies?! NOOOO!!!

    Ok thanks. I'll keep an eye on em and post pics in a few days. Guitar Man, those plants look mighty fine. You say they hermed, was there a lot of see and how was the finished product? From that pic they look delicious.
  3. a187soto

    Hermies?! NOOOO!!!

    here are some better pics, hopefully they help.
  4. a187soto

    Hermies?! NOOOO!!!

    My plants are a few weeks into flowering. and there has been no issue thus far, but a few days ago it looked kinda like a male sack was forming but I couldn't be sure. The rest of the plant is green but the part i've been questioning is like a yellowish color and is scattered throughout the...
  5. a187soto

    Working with what I have. Any advice or suggestions? They're flowering Cheers.

    I have a 400w hps a 150w hps. I'm using Earth Juice for nutes. Happy frog for soil however, I only had bagseed. They are are all between 2 & 4 weeks flowering. Any suggestions or any feedback on how they look. Here they are Cheers mates.
  6. a187soto

    Tap water high pH, will this help?

    Alright sounds good. Thank you.
  7. a187soto

    Tap water high pH, will this help?

    The tap water here is like 7.7 and I started using General Hydroponics pH Down ( but I didn't realize it said to lower the pH of nutrient solution and plant fertilizers. It says nothing about just water. I was...
  8. a187soto

    First grow problems

    I am having this same issue right now, seedlings as well. Have you found anything?
  9. a187soto

    The 12-12 From Seed Thread

    Thanks much
  10. a187soto

    The 12-12 From Seed Thread

    I'm beggining a 12/12 grow here and I'm wondering as for nutes, is it alright to use some veg nutes then switch to bloom nutes?
  11. a187soto

    Open Book. Need Help.

    what is a good way to insulate it?
  12. a187soto

    Open Book. Need Help.

    Ok so I have absolutely no idea how i wanna come at my grow. I have had ideas an thrown them out there and somethings goes wrong. Well anyways let's get started. I have 3 feminized aurora indica seeds from nirvana 1 bagseed from gods gift 3 bagseed from other quality cannabis a 150 hps light...
  13. a187soto

    WTF is her f*cking problem?

    dude you grow! if you break up with her, what if she tells?! PSYCHO BITCHES!
  14. a187soto

    Who else smokes on a daily basis?

    But i don't f*ck around with that merskay. That sh*t is garbage. If you're smoking the reggie, you're wrong. Strictly quality cannabis
  15. a187soto

    Who else smokes on a daily basis?

    Yeah I enjoy cannabis multiple times a day everyday. I can't remember the last time I ran out of buddha. There is absolutely nothing wrong with cannabis multiple times a day, people have cigarettes packs a day. And if there is a problem with tolerance, I say enjoy more/more often. :leaf:
  16. a187soto

    Growbox! Mechanics?

    Ok so I have a 150 HPS light and I'm trying to grow 2-4 plants at a time. How big should my box be? Dimension wise? I have a fan but last time it dried out the soil. Solutions? How do I get the box well ventilated? I've already lost 2 fem. seeds. I just need any and all info you can give me. I...
  17. a187soto


    as potatoes are tasty, they are not my concern. cannabis is, but thank you
  18. a187soto

    Growbox info

    Is there already a thread I can be directed towards? I'm looking for a good size recommendations with a 150hps and how to properly ventilate the box without having a fan dry out seedlings. Keep humidity up. Temp to stay at constant
  19. a187soto


    Does anybody grow here? So is quality cannabis is hard to come by? And pricey?
  20. a187soto

    Grow box heat problem

    The box is about 2x2x4 with a 150watt hps at the top with a hole cut at the top. And a fan at the bottom blowing air into the box With the fan on temps stay around mid 70s to low 80s but the soil dries out. Without the fan fan temps are around. Mid 80s to mid 90s Ill get pics when I can