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  1. Ethan Cray

    NL5, is she ready??

    OK, here are some pics without the hps on
  2. Ethan Cray

    NL5, is she ready??

    I found one at me local head shop, its called a 420 scope. Works prety good too. Thanks all!! E
  3. Ethan Cray

    NL5, is she ready??

    I have a flow plant flowering and I have read that the buds will regrow. I just cant figure out where to cut the buds from to try this?
  4. Ethan Cray

    NL5, is she ready??

    Really, everything I read from other people growing said about 6 weeks. I just got a little worried cause of the top of the flowers look like they are withering a bit. You can see it in the second pic. Put thinks for the reply!! E
  5. Ethan Cray

    NL5, is she ready??

    I got these as clones, veged for about 5 weeks under 1000 hps and they have been flowering for 38 days. They have a lot of red hairs on them but it didnt come out in the pic, prob caus it was taken under the hps.
  6. Ethan Cray

    NL5, is she ready??

    Buds or leaves or both??
  7. Ethan Cray

    NL5, is she ready??

    This is the only part I struggle with. This is my second grow, with the first one I know I cut it a little early but the larger tops were excellent, with some of the lower ones were not quite as good. I dont have a good scope to look at them real close. Do you know another way to tell?
  8. Ethan Cray

    NL5, is she ready??

    Hello all, these are pics of my NL5 plant that has been flowering under a 1000 watt hps for about 6 weeks. Today I noticed some of the top flowers withering a little bit. Does this mean it is time?? Ethan
  9. Ethan Cray

    NL#5, Flow, C99 update

    Update, here are are the girls at 2 weeks of flowering,
  10. Ethan Cray

    Anyone know of a low odor strain

    Yea but its nothing compared to the big buddah I grew on my first grow
  11. Ethan Cray

    Anyone know of a low odor strain

    Hello all, I had put this post on here a couple months ago. I took everyones advice and got a c99 and a nothern lights #5. I also through in a flow just to try it out. The odor has been very low with all of these strains so far. I think the strongest one is the NL5 but it still isnt bad. I am...
  12. Ethan Cray

    yellowing leaves ???

    That is what my plants did when I gave them to much fertalizer.
  13. Ethan Cray

    NL#5, Flow, C99 update

    Hello, Here is an update on my girls. These are pics of NL5 after 5 weeks of veg at 18/6. She is approximatly 22 inches tall. I am growing in fox farm soil and using Fox farm grow big with a little epsom salt. Grown under 1000 watt HPS light. These are Flo, They have been grown using all...
  14. Ethan Cray

    4 weeks veg NL5, flow, C99

    They are getting 18/6. I got them as clones.
  15. Ethan Cray

    4 weeks veg NL5, flow, C99

    Left to right C99, FlO, and NL#5. 4 weeks of veg under 1000 watt HPS. I am using fox farm soil and Grow big fert. Please let me know what you think. E
  16. Ethan Cray

    how much longer before 12/12

    Do you grow in soil?
  17. Ethan Cray

    how much longer before 12/12

    I was wonder cause I have seen people on her that kick them over really early but they must be using hydro.
  18. Ethan Cray

    how much longer before 12/12

    Flow NL5 C99 Hello all, I bought these as clones 3 weeks ago and planted them in Fox farms organtic soil. I am using a 1000 watt HPS light. The NL% is 15 inches tall and the other 2 are about 12. How tall does everyone switch over to 12/12...
  19. Ethan Cray

    Leafs rolling up

    Here is some pics of the girls, I was having some problems with leaves rolling up but I added some epsom salt to my fert mixture and it seemed to fix the problem. I cant believe how big the leaves are on the NL5 plant. The plant is only 13 inches tall but it has leaves that are 8 inches wide. E
  20. Ethan Cray

    Please look at this leaf and tell me what you think I could be doing wrong.

    I used that MG organtic soil and it was loaded with Knats. It loaded every plant in the house with them too. I also had issued during flowering with leaves getting Grayish/black spots on them. I just assumed it had to do with the Knats causing damage to the roots.