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  1. Y

    calling out to the cat whisperer???

    pick the cat up by the nape of it's neck and scream as loud as you can in it's face. Then, gently set the cat down. That's how you whisper what you want in behavior to a cat.
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    Ex-girlfriend rips mans scrotum off. OUCH.

    YES! even better, I'll get a bunch of $1 dollar bills (my life savings worth) and see if I can pack the chute sack with that too. X thousand dollars would definitely make people look skyward. Then again... my mangled corpse would be there soon after. lol, either way, good times.
  3. Y

    Never been so sick in my entire life.

    1/2 a pack a day, ... 2.50 ... X 30 = 75 bucks a month... X12 = 900 a year.... X6 = $5,400.00! fuck tobacco. glad you feel better, shoot for 10 days, then after that, go for 20.
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    Ex-girlfriend rips mans scrotum off. OUCH.

    I guess the success of the reattachment would be the deal breaker here. I know life is precious and all, but I'm not sure i'd want to live it after being manually and violently castrated. also, I think if the nuts didn't re-take... then I'd off myself doing something fun, like skydiving. feel...
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    Ex-girlfriend rips mans scrotum off. OUCH.

  6. Y

    surpassing my idiot grow teacher

    give him cuttings, not clones. He can root them himself.
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    Red green

    "can I rig up these burners to make a red hot reading light?" <---- lol! so, seriously, why are they assholes? tells us stories from your friends cottage. is cottage canadian for brothel?
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    Describe your Sex life with a movie title?

    balls of fury
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    Ex-girlfriend rips mans scrotum off. OUCH.

    If the cops said that his scrotum was 'removed from his body'.... just imagining that and the white hot terror/rage that would go through me while that was happening. How could he not have snapped her neck? Something is missing from this story. That he was "innocently just sitting at his...
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    Ex-girlfriend rips mans scrotum off. OUCH.

    "bitches be crazy" lol 1) I'm glad he broke up with her, and so is he. 2) so if she has one hand pulling at his sack, that leaves him two arms to her one. Why could he not pummel her face to knock her out, or at least gouge both of her eyes out? 3) because the guy didn't pummel her face...
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    any1 else have rude parents?

    even better! and discuss these things that you mention here, no matter how hard you breathe. Maybe they think you are faking it for attention. Perhaps try meditation, there are a lot of good books about meditation.
  12. Y

    any1 else have rude parents?

    seek psychiatric help.
  13. Y

    Amazing picture of the Milky Way

    fuck the stars... nuke em all!! kidding, stunning stuff. a vacuum full of burning and spinning things.
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    Would You Fuck This Chick?

    lol ....... gross
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    My girlfriends first time with trainwreck.

    I think she's cute... and a good sport.
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    What's For Dinner Tonight?

    yuck. that abortion in a bowl is horseraddish sauce with soy and diijon mustard. do NOT make this sauce as it sucks.
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    What's For Dinner Tonight?

    me too, but I'm trying to talk myself out of it. it's either that or a BAR S turkey frank and some top ramen. I wish I could eat out and delicious restaurants every night, served delicious piping hot food, with beer or wine or milk or whatever. <br> instead it's questionable shrimp with snowpeas.
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    The Moral Collapse Of Western Civilization

    Not all of us.
  19. Y

    My girlfriends first time with trainwreck.

    Nice.... Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiceeeeee......
  20. Y

    Hey people

    At least he's lucky enough to have you there to be with him. I'm not so sure about this, but if I think about it, if my dad was struggling with life as I took care of him, I'd make sure to talk to him, and to tell him things that would make his mind pleased. Such as how much I love him, how...