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  1. Reprogrammed

    Particularly to Elites and Experienced Growers: PLEASE ASSIST!

    [Good responses will get + reputation. ;-)] If you don't want a bit of background, scroll down to the bars. I think I've officially pidgeon-holed myself. For a long time I've been a pretty pure indica fan. The last strain I grew was Texada Timewarp, and before that it was Early Girl...
  2. Reprogrammed

    The Lorax

    YouTube - The Lorax (Part 1) Maybe that breaktime blunt is twisting in my head, but I'm really digging this story (God bless quiet nights). It's been so long since I've seen it, and after reconnecting myself with nature so much, I love it more than ever before.
  3. Reprogrammed

    Screw Youssical.

    Just watch. It gets better everytime. Robot Chicken: White Trash Dr. Seuss | Sangent - The Daily Ramblings Robot Chicken is quite possibly my greatest guilty pleasure.:blsmoke:
  4. Reprogrammed

    Blazing Top Twenty-Five

    I know there's a thread already for favorite song when high, but I'm asking what 25 songs (in no particular order) are mind-numbingly amazing when in Sweet Mary's embrace. Sounds like a lot, but they'll jump out of you after the first ten. I'll go first: 1. Viva Las Vegas by Dead Kennedys...
  5. Reprogrammed

    Midwest Growers and Smokers!

    Just wondering if any cool cats from this board will be attending the next Schwagstock. Think it'd be pretty irie to pass a blunt around to some fellow RIU'ers.
  6. Reprogrammed

    "Sushi" Kief Rolls (It's All In The Sauce, Baby)

    I was at a sushi bar recently, and as I was dipping a roll into some soy sauce and wasabi, I got an idea. Today, I decided to put it into effect. Went down to the Asian market to acquire the main ingredients: 1. Nori (dried seaweed) 2. Glutinous white rice (sticky/sushi rice). 3. Sushi ginger...
  7. Reprogrammed

    Photoshop Stuff

    I know a lot of people don't consider it art, and really I don't particularly like the word "art" itself, but it's kinda nifty just to tinker with images when I've got some free time. First one I did today was of Aldous Huxley, one of my favorite thinkers and authors. Here's the original...
  8. Reprogrammed

    Salvia Officially Illegal In My State

    Goddamn fucking Kansas. Oy vey. Salvia Watch: Magic Mint Now Illegal in Kansas, But Alabama Bill Dies | Stop the Drug War (DRCNet) It's funny that this happens not long after marijuana possession is decriminalized in Lawrence (the city where K.U. is). The minute you get your hopes...
  9. Reprogrammed

    Reply Problems

    I'm a bit weirded out by the fact that when I reply to some threads, and not others, whether it's a quick reply or not, it doesn't show up. Then when I try to reply again, it says it's just a duplicate, but again it doesn't show up. Before that, it was saying the moderators'll have to review my...