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  1. Feelinit

    Anyone else notice all of the Cali Connect threads have been removed?

    I'm sure there will be plenty more......
  2. Feelinit

    Please rate my set-up and plant!

    I would suggest losing the tinfoil, it causes hot spots.
  3. Feelinit

    WARNING! Digital/ Electronic ballasts can get you busted! The A.M. radio test!

    I feel like I'm copying your thread but again your right on the cable signal. My cable did do some strange things my wife noticed like the DVR fucking up on occasion, but for the most part the cable tv was fine. Just Internet was toast. Apparently if your not home when they come by they will...
  4. Feelinit

    WARNING! Digital/ Electronic ballasts can get you busted! The A.M. radio test!

    and it was not cheap...just goes to show that more pricey ballasts do this as well.....
  5. Feelinit

    WARNING! Digital/ Electronic ballasts can get you busted! The A.M. radio test!

    ok I have a nextgen if anyone cares
  6. Feelinit

    WARNING! Digital/ Electronic ballasts can get you busted! The A.M. radio test!

    I can respect that, but I think you will end up getting rid of those CFL's eventually.
  7. Feelinit

    WARNING! Digital/ Electronic ballasts can get you busted! The A.M. radio test!

    what kind of ballast? just curious Was your cable line open ended? Mine was a live open connection just sitting next to the ballast. I have a feeling, a completely hooked up and shielded line would not receive as much interference, but thats a guess. Cable line is now in the next room over...
  8. Feelinit

    WARNING! Digital/ Electronic ballasts can get you busted! The A.M. radio test!

    Since I run saltwater aquariums and my garage is full of aquarium shit, I just told the guy I got a new ballast for my coral tank, and I figured that was the problem since it was new and I had never run digi just magnetic until now. Oh and my tank is right next to my cable box...... I was...
  9. Feelinit

    WARNING! Digital/ Electronic ballasts can get you busted! The A.M. radio test!

    Great idea about the AM radio although all digi ballasts will interfere if close enough to the line. Just keep you cable lines away from your digi ballasts. Ya a magnetic ballast would have been fine.
  10. Feelinit

    WARNING! Digital/ Electronic ballasts can get you busted! The A.M. radio test!

    I had this exact same thing happen to me. They put a filter on my line so my Internet just stopped working. They said there was interference coming from my home. Thankfully I fixed the problem and everything is good now. Bottom line is I had an old cable line in my grow room, that was not...
  11. Feelinit

    I did the math...

    ya I need a bong hit, should not have caught that lol
  12. Feelinit

    I did the math...

    9 months would be 1/20 lol No math 4 u
  13. Feelinit

    I want to start an Aquarium...

    Oh shit 3 gallons ya too small. Nice candycane, any thoughts on a goby/pistol shrimp combo?
  14. Feelinit

    I want to start an Aquarium...

    Copepods are great, that's a good sign! You could even get a mandarin Dragonette which mostly exclusively eat pods. Great fish!
  15. Feelinit

    I want to start an Aquarium...

    Lookin good. I have been growing coral for years now. Had a few tanks, most recently was a 300g frag tank to grow out my pricier pieces. Mantis shrimp are awesome too, just make sure you have a dedicated tank for them. They have the fastest attack in the animal kingdom. If you need tips or...
  16. Feelinit

    Extreme fear of death, having mini panic attack

    Kava kava Natural anxiety reliever and goes well with dank.
  17. Feelinit

    Honey badger doesn't give a sh*t

    He runs backwards......Fucking hilarious
  18. Feelinit

    WRITE YOUR SENATORS: Senate Moves To Allow Military To Intern Americans Without Trial

    Looks like if they fail to remove the detention provisions in the bill, the white house threatens veto:
  19. Feelinit

    Please Read Important!!!

    It passed the Senate, and from what I've read Obama said he will veto. Kinda scary shit
  20. Feelinit

    Weed Wars

    Got em.......