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  1. D

    Attitude!! Come on?!?

    Finally received my shipment from a March 4th order (canada here). Everything is looking good. Pretty excited to try out my birthday gift (a small spring pipe) and get some of these into the ground.
  2. D

    Tude orders/promos delivery

    Just received my package from the March 4th promo! Everything is looking good! Ended up with sleestack X skunk (and the free pure afghan). My birthday gift (spring pipe) is nice and small, perfect to carry around. Was hoping for something exciting from g13 labs, but ended up getting the NL...
  3. D

    Attitude!! Come on?!?

    Hahaha My order was shipped 40 years ago too. Says it's been dispatched to Canada post though, so I'm hoping everything went through ok. They should be here any day now (my order two weeks ago arrived in about a week).
  4. D

    OH CANADA, home and native land.

    Northern Ontario here. Step 1 - Sprout some new strains to introduce into field Day 3, Cannadential
  5. D

    Cannabis Cup replica.

    I have been wondering the same exact thing! Was just about to begin searching for one. Gives me a goal, something to strive for in breeding.
  6. D

    Attitude!! Come on?!?

    I ended up with the spring pipe. I initially had the TH seeds box in my cart, but it ended up being sold out by the time i completed my order. Ordered as soon as I got to school!
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    Friday March 4th :Attitude Promo: What seeds did you buy?

    And I got the spring pipe as my free gift!
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    Friday March 4th :Attitude Promo: What seeds did you buy?

    13 pack of sleestack X skunk ended up with a free 13 pack of Pure afghan from dna genetics
  9. D

    big attitude promo, whats everyones most wanted beans?

    Just ordered Sleestack X Skunk, Ended up with a free pack Pure Afghan, can't wait to get them along with all the freebies! I wonder what the new G13 labs strain is?!?
  10. D

    Best Jack the Ripper cross

    Just looking to pick up some TGA subcool varieties, and take advantage of being in a genetics lab to look at microsatellite markers and genotyping strains. Was wondering what everyone's favorite Jack the Ripper cross is. I'm thinking Jack the Ripper crosses because of the likely high...