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    First Cloning Attempt - Need Advice

    Well Day 12.. No sign of roots yet :sad: Opened dome, sprayed 3-4 shots of water mist on top and recovered. Plants still looking ok though so that is a good sign. Today I will go try to pickup some superthrive for my next try. :leaf:
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    First Cloning Attempt - Need Advice

    ImBroken... Thanks for sharing your info. It sounds like I'm doing everything pretty much identical to you with the exception of using the Clonex Gel and the Superthrive. As I said I tried 3 and 1 died, and the 2 are still hanging on. The concern is that the leaves had turned yellow and the...
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    First Cloning Attempt - Need Advice

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    First Cloning Attempt - Need Advice

    Hey Watt... Yeah I most definately have read up on cloning and general cannabis growing. I've always taken a liking to growing plants. I am no expert by far, but do believe in studying and learning by the experiences of myself and others. I find weed the most interesting of all plants, and...
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    First Cloning Attempt - Need Advice

    I agree to keep the peat pellets moist, but have been told with the peat pellets to let them dry out a bit before introducing more water. The idea is to encourge the roots to go out and search for water. I know this doesn't mean let them dry out completely. It was recommended to mist the...
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    First Cloning Attempt - Need Advice

    Here are pictures of my clone in case it helps...
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    First Cloning Attempt - Need Advice

    Yeah that makes sense, but the leaves turned yellowed, the tips brown, and curled after adding the dome. I will take in your advise though and work faster on my next cloning if this helps eliminate the air bubbles you are referring to. Thanks
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    First Cloning Attempt - Need Advice

    Thanks for your suggestions. Xcon: Good luck on your transplant. I'm off to trim off the yellow leaves.. Hope I will see some roots penetrating through. I cut my light down today too from 24x7 to 18. I set it to turn on at 6am (Which is about when the sun comes up here) and shut off at...
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    First Cloning Attempt - Need Advice

    Then why did they look great for the first 4-5 days?
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    First Cloning Attempt - Need Advice

    I attempted my first cloning. I bought the little 12 pack peat pellet kit. - I cut my clones at a 45 like suggested - Lightly scraped the end of the stem - Dipped in water (used water from a bucket that I had opened for a few days to rid itself of any unwanted chlorine). - Dipped stem in...
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    budding to early

    <<Bump>> I know this thread is old, but wanted to comment cause I had the same exact problem described here. I planted my Purple Kush Clone on 4/20 and it took off growing great, then quickly started producing white hairs then started budding majorly. The plant reached almost 2 feet tall and...
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    Planted to early on 4/20 now plant is budding

    I live in California Southbay and planted 3 clones. One of them took off faster and now is budding. I guess that is due to our bad overcast weather. The weather seems to now have turned around and should be getting solid 70's - 80's with little overcast. My question is what I can do for my...
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    Jack's Professional Fertilizer

    I wouldn't say my math was off since I came up with the same formula you did, I just calculated a different way. Your way is just a bit easier :). Nice picture of yourself... a giant bud with arms (haha).. Oh and you seemed to overlook my last question regarding Jack's Duo... I just...
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    Jack's Professional Fertilizer

    Thanks Riddle... Ok I figured out how you came to the 15-25-20.... by doing this >>> Use the original Jacks Classic 20-20-20 Mix 1/2 dose 10-10-10 Use the original Jack's Blossom Booster 10-30-20 Mix 1/2 does 5-15-10 Add the (2) does together 10-10-10 + 5-15-10 = 15-25-20 So you...
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    Jack's Professional Fertilizer

    Hello riddle, I will surely read your threads, but I thought you were one who recommended getting Jack's Classic and Bloom. Now I'm confused. If you had recommended using Jack's Classic which is a 20-20-20 blend why are you now advocating the use of 20-10-20? The more I read about nutrients...
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    Jack's Professional Fertilizer

    I've read so many different variations of different values and recommendations for veg and flowering. My understanding is that flowering requires a higher Phosphorous value and Potassium value. Outside of that I believe the correct amount depends on your specific variables. What type of...
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    Jack's Professional Fertilizer

    Yes, I read in a tomato technical bulletin recommended for Jack's Classic that you can add 1 tsp of Epsom salt to the 20-20-20 application to provide some additional magnesium. As magnesium is part of the chlorophyll molecule and important in the photosynthesis. Unless anyone objects to...
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    Jack's Professional Fertilizer

    I too just purchased Jack's Duo after reading many good success stories. I am just looking for... Quality Nutrients Good Price Simple to Use Provides great finished results My plan is to just use the classic 20-20-20 for the veg state and Jack's Bloom for the flowring stage. Did you guys...
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    Nutes on a Budget

    Hello Riddleme, I noticed your thread which caught my eye. As a new grower I was torn as to which nutes to use. While budget is a big factor I didn't want to use crap either. It seems that Jack's is pretty well balanced making it a simpler choice. While you mentioned that the 8oz tubs were...