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  1. M

    Starting CFL's - Amazed by what you guys did.....

    Hey Dwr, I like your cfl grow but for next time dont vegg for so long because when you flower on a bigger plant you get really fluffy buds weighing not much but if you flower when its smaller you will have bigger buds and a bigger yield.
  2. M

    Growing With Cfl's

    yo man you can watch weeds season three for free at Weeds - Videos -
  3. M

    --tech209'z 400w hps 8sq'z closet SOG hindu kush log--

    what are you cloning them in rockwool, gel?
  4. M

    need cfls for flower

    yo dude check out this cfl grow guide I think it might help you out Kamel's CFL Guide - Forums
  5. M

    Hindu Kush progression, Pictures, Questions

    yo dude what kind of lights r u using?