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  1. S

    marijuana and sex

    I've smoked so much weed at times I can't get a rocket in my pocket. I know many of you don't want to be reminded but it has begun to effect my boners significantly. I still smoke for some reason. anyways, be careful and lift some weights or something if you smoke all the time.
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    inducing flowering outdoor plant

    Could you potentially induce the early flowering of an outdoor plant if you brought it indoors early every day causing it to have a 12/12 suncycle?
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    Does anyone remember the 90's?

    fuck the 70's dawg we had sabrina the teenage witch, and a bunch of crappy alternative bands. i wish you would step back from the ledge my friend, and if you do not want to see me again i would understand!
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    does this need curing

    just bought some bud it looks decent has many red hairs, and is pretty frosty but does not smoke well at all. it is very harsh and when i pack a bowl it just dosnt want to finish. when i break it open and look close among the hairs i see what looks like small drops of water i think these are the...
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    Feminized vs regular

    Cost aside, are there any downsides/differences to feminized seeds instead of regular? I noticed on nirvana shop the regular version of a certain strain is best suitable for outdoors and the feminized is said to be better suited growing indoors.
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    60 Plant Grow Setup

    am i the only one who thinks its funny that this guy trenton comes on like once every 100 posts and says two things and all of you start masturbating on each other.
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    Bad weed.....

    damn you guys are eating this shit up, haha, by stepped on i meant wet down to increase weight. orange peel in the bag or something like that, its gross.
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    Help bugs (Pics)

    skeeters eat blood, not plants. you knew that.
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    Bad weed.....

    How do you guys tell if weed you've gotten is moldy or stepped on? Bought a sack last night that looks alright, it has crystals and tricombs and red hairs that would be pretty long but it is real packed together and just seems real moist I guess soggy would be the word. When I smell it, it...
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    Temperature control

    riight, but it'd have to be portable and have a thermostat. cause this grow is stealth, as you guys say it. thought someone might have suggestions on how to use a space heater in a small space where you can't be there 24/7 to adjust it as the temperature changes throughout the day.
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    Temperature control

    Need suggestions for temperature control in a tight (roughly small closet size) space. It'd need to heat the space anywhere from 10-45 degrees and it would have to be automatic.
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    An unheated grow room, on the east coast so were talking lows in the teens every so often. Although the grow room is warmer than outside, it still gets cold. a 350W High pressure sodium in a small grow box might cut it. Maybe not though. heating advice?
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    I've heard marijuana can endure temperatures down to freezing but what is the lowest temperature marijuana can stand and still thrive? How would colder conditions affect the outcome of a plant?
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    lighting comparison

    i should rephrase that. used individually throughout a plants entire life, in terms of quality and yield, how does an MH light compare with an HPS light
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    Grow boxes, treated vs untreated wood

    i was thinking untreated wood could increase the chance of mold
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    lighting comparison

    Sun Systems 2 Why is it like 5 bucks more for 150 more watts? And which one is better, sodium or halide? Thanks.
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    When growing multiple plants I have heard that if any are male they will pollenate the females causing them to have seeds and if my memory serves me correct they become hermaphrodites and produce less yield. At what age can a male pollenate a female? I would appreciate it if anyone could clarify...
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    This seems like a good, cheap product for just one plant Compact Fluorescent Plant Grow Lights & Fixtures by Hydrofarm at Home Harvest Garden Supply but I wasn't sure which spectrum is best for growing? Any other lighting recomendations/tips? Thanks.