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  1. W

    Materials for Recirculating DWC

    Yes there are specific square dwc buckets with netpot lids, but they are kinda expensive. You can also get square buckets and drill holes to make netpot lids which is cheaper but still kinda higher then i'd pay. I used 5gal buckets with netpot lids and uniseals with 2"pvc for my udwc system. The...
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    Roots down the netpot

    3 Weeks is a 'little' long... Are you giving it any nutes, which ones, and how are you applying them (dosage and method ie. top feed/your dwc system)? That being said, if the plant still looks healthy then just keep doing what your doing and wait, it will get there...
  3. W

    Don't switch straight to 12/12 according to new study

    I only read the first 3-4 pages and the last few look worthless so... Anyway, i like the idea of stepping down the light cycle but i agree that 15min steps is far to gradual, i think you would lose a lot of opportunity for light while the plant was still in its veg state. I'm could see something...
  4. W

    How to harvest and dry without the grass taste

    How to harvest and dry without the grass taste Lol, props for the nice post and I'm not trying to be a troll or anything. But, maybe you shouldn't title your post about how to not have "grassy" weed, and then say you've never had it so don't really know anything about it...
  5. W

    ac on or auto?

    What? I know this is a stoner site but really... Yes, if you put your AC on energy saver mode ie. AUTO, it will save you energy ie money. The only way it wouldn't is if your using an incorrectly sized AC for your room/application or your sitting watching it 24/7 so you can turn it off/on at the...
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    [Newbie] Making first grow box - need help

    Not True. Assuming that AF=Autoflower then 18/6 is fine throughout the entire grow, but can very depending on your specific strain... I haven't used the UFO so i have no opinion to give on that... And the ballast which comes with HPS/MH AND the CFLS (ex t5s) will not get hot enough to burn wood...
  7. W


    It's not very specific, but it's also not THAT broad, i doubt anybody would tell him to use 20-30kwatts in lights for 3 2x4 flood tables... ;) That said, method of growing (Reg, SOG, ScROG etc) and overall target plant size is important... Also 'space to walk around' is more of a personal pref i...
  8. W

    Black grow room? Will it work?

    It would be much better to simply place an electric heater in there, you get the heat you need in a controllable manner, and the reflectivity you need... Besides, how were you planning on getting the black walls exposed to heat in the first place? is it a greenhouse type setup where there is...
  9. W

    ClosetOverkill DESIGN HELP!

    It all depends on your environment. If your current setup keeps temps where they are suppose to be, then you don't need to add/remove any fans/vents... "If it ain't broke..." With that being said, most people i have seen like more air being pulled out then being pushed in, to create negative air...
  10. W

    Prepping to begin first grow/DWC, but second day of adding water and nutes...

    I might be slightly confused on your description a bit. Is it "...white and soapy like. Very slimey" as in stringy/connected, or more cloudy? Either way, it's definitely important to make sure you don't have any light leaks anyway (you can put a couple pieces of duct/foil tape on your paper...
  11. W

    Prepping to begin first grow/DWC, but second day of adding water and nutes...

    I'm honestly not exactly sure how long it would take the chlorine to kill the bennies if there did happen to be any of it left after leaving your water out for 24 hours. But I added that mainly because i wasn't sure if you left your water out at all and it needed to be ruled out... My money...
  12. W

    Prepping to begin first grow/DWC, but second day of adding water and nutes...

    Sounds like all your bennies are dying off... Only a couple reasons i know of could cause that; chlorine in the water or not enough food for them. Both the aquashield and the florablend contain bennies iirc. The first thing i would do is cut them out or feed them and see if that changes it...
  13. W

    PC Fans and light help

    It's all good, seeing how cautionary you are you could go around adding up all the wattage/amps of appliances on the circuit your box will tie into. This is generally unnecessary for a small project like this, but it couldn't hurt either. Ie, If it's in your bedroom closet and your bedroom has a...
  14. W

    PC Fans and light help

    You won't have any problems unless your using underrated wires without a ground. You can make sure the cord you're using is rated at 15 amps which is normally the max of what your home would be capable of on a single circuit anyway. They are generally marketed as "Heavy-Duty" or "Appliance"...
  15. W

    PC Fans and light help

    No problem, let us know what you figure out. And you can never do too much research, read a lot of posts to see what other people are doing, or even just watch some grow vids on youtube. Good luck!
  16. W

    PC Fans and light help

    I wouldn't recommend re-wiring the cfl ballast to cut up extension cords... pretty much ever, unless it's just something you want to try for the heck of it and know what you're doing... I mean, you would be going around the standard connection points in order to hard wire it and i can't really...
  17. W

    PC Fans and light help

    You can either get a cheap PC power supply and feed it all that way, (without the PS tester btw...) or you can go with an old phone charger (wall wart) that have the right specs and do it that way... If its just running two or three little fans and you have no electrical experience i would...
  18. W

    1800 watts, should i get 4x8 or 5x10 tent?

    its an easy vote... more space (5x10). Anything else you do could be easily upgraded or changed at any time during your grow except for your amount of space. You have more light then you need to satisfy the smaller tent and produce good product, and while you may not have that over abundance of...
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    how do i keep my temps down?

    You would have to get an AC, water chiller, or use geothermal. If you already have electricity, then getting an AC is probably your cheapest/best bet...
  20. W

    1800 watts in 4x4x7 tent???

    id probably put the 2x 400s in one tent (flower) and the other 400 in another 4x4 tent and use it as veg. The way i look at it is that even if you did get it all dialed in and properly cooled, it's highly doubtful that you would get a better product margin with your plan then you would with...