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  1. boricuaganja

    ideas for amending clay soil.

    cow manure
  2. boricuaganja

    growing in the carribean

    HERE ARE SOME MORE PICS OF MY GROW . im just not sure about my location .
  3. boricuaganja

    growing in puerto rico

    you in cali ? i just came from temecula . i really MISS the dipensaries . we dont have the kind here . its all brick mexi . so nasty !!
  4. boricuaganja

    growing in puerto rico

    She started showing sex already . i have no clue why .
  5. boricuaganja

    growing in puerto rico

    this is the withe widow that started to flower . It could be an autoflower . I dont know .
  6. boricuaganja

    growing in the carribean

    this IS the plant that started to flower
  7. boricuaganja

    growing in puerto rico

    i will for sure . i was bringing them in , it started raining again
  8. boricuaganja

    growing in puerto rico

    im not sure . i live up in the mountans though
  9. boricuaganja

    growing in puerto rico

    cool bro . im about 25 mns from guanica . belive me , ive been searching on web but no luck . i still want to get an outdoor season before i go indoors . i dont know how it will go . i still have a ton of seeds left .
  10. boricuaganja

    My First Outdoor Grow

    just get your mj license . you are allowed 12 plants i think . it ranges between 65 to 100 $ depending where you live . with that you shouldnt have problem . the only problem is the market is flooded . thatswhy i left .
  11. boricuaganja

    growing in puerto rico

    where you from ? ive been out of here for 13 years . and ive never seen so much fucking rain ! its pretty crazy , i guess thats why they call it a wet forrest
  12. boricuaganja

    growing in puerto rico

    know , i cut 3 clones out of it this morning. the guy in cali sold it as a female seeds . i didnt ask that .
  13. boricuaganja

    growing in puerto rico

    yes !!!! just dont have the equipment available . actually i just found a web site from a hydro store that just open in the east coast . the organic bussiness is starting to boom now. its the begining
  14. boricuaganja

    growing in puerto rico

    this is what my blue dreams looks at 7 weeks . like i said its been a horrible last couple of months . too much rain , it rains almost every day
  15. boricuaganja

    1st Outdoor Grow

    im in the same boat bro !!!! i got some white widow seeds from my last vist to cali . (feminized) . i have a really nice blue dreams that i collected from some bud in a dispensarie , and the others i purchased them from a breeder . one of them is already flowering . i have no idea why ...
  16. boricuaganja

    growing in puerto rico

    anyone has any input ???i just clipped my clone today . only got out that white widow that started to flower .
  17. boricuaganja

    growing in puerto rico

    hello everyone!! i recently moved to puerto rico and brought back some feminized white widow seeds. right now they re about 6.5 weeks old . about 2 feet tall . straight outdoors . they look really good . but the climate hasnt allowed me to take em to grow site , which it has been ready for...
  18. boricuaganja

    growing in the carribean

    im currently growing some feminized greenhouse seeds that i got on my last trip . i live in puerto rico . they are about 6 weeks old . and just noticed 2 days ago ,one of them started to flower . its white widow strain. can anyone help me !!!!!! i was thinking about using it as mother plant ...