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  1. Big Tasty Bud

    Strains how do you know for sure?

    when you smoke it you know for sure but other than that alot of plants do look the same but are a totaly different smoke
  2. Big Tasty Bud

    Sour Kush seedlings wilting & yellowing in hydro! Help! (pics)

    What lights are you using sorry just looked at you post its more than likely over watered rockwool
  3. Big Tasty Bud

    why marijuana is illegal .. REALLY this is how it happened

    yeah its pretty normal so is acting like a crack whore and sucking cock for weed man im so addicted to weed
  4. Big Tasty Bud

    why marijuana is illegal .. REALLY this is how it happened

    wo theres much much more thats just the start
  5. Big Tasty Bud

    30,000 plants found right down the rode from me

    2000 x 30,000 Equals 60million dollars ..... man the media are liars he would be lucky to get 500k for all of it lol
  6. Big Tasty Bud

    why marijuana is illegal .. REALLY this is how it happened

    I found this article and i taught i would post it up here and let all you lovely people see what a piece of shit the American government is For the first 162 years of America's existence, marijuana was totally legal and hemp was a common crop. But during the 1930s, the U.S. government and...
  7. Big Tasty Bud

    Which is better ??

    This was very helpfull thank you
  8. Big Tasty Bud

    Which is better ??

    Which is better for growth and genitics 1. Regular seeds 2.femanized seeds 3. Autoflowering femanized All pros and cons would be help
  9. Big Tasty Bud

    How do YOU Clone ?

    Dam thats alot of fat ass roots
  10. Big Tasty Bud

    is it turning male?!

    yeah its pretty normal they will range from 3 fingers to 7 its probably a new node coming off the main stem
  11. Big Tasty Bud

    What do you think? Done yet?

    Thats exactly what a fed would say
  12. Big Tasty Bud

    caught uncle snooping around guerallia grow

    Reverse psycoligy . Tell him he an have as much as he likes and you will help him with his grow , Then BAM when he has his back turned baseball Bat into the back of his head .. That old trick always works
  13. Big Tasty Bud

    what uv light to go for?

    :weed: Well you did ... You shit all over it
  14. Big Tasty Bud

    How do YOU Clone ?

    I dont scrape i make like little cuts all around it and not too deep alll around the stem about 3/4 the way up think ill let it dry a little and see how that works out , Thanks all for the advice
  15. Big Tasty Bud

    How do YOU Clone ?

    yeah now you mention it i do always leave a small puddle of water in the bottom of my dome so it wont dry out the coco ill try it your way and see how i get on ill keep you informed if it makes a difference cheers
  16. Big Tasty Bud

    How do YOU Clone ?

    This is more or less what i do but 1 only give them 18 hours do the extra hours make a difference ? i was also thinking of diluting some clonex in water then using that to soak my coco Pellets in
  17. Big Tasty Bud

    How do YOU Clone ?

    ok so im not an expert on this but on my first attempt to clone i was successful and after that it never worked again , i done the exact same thing cut at an angle put rooting hormone on it (Clonex) trimmed the leaves and put them into a propagator under a 125 watt cfl Do not know what i am...
  18. Big Tasty Bud

    What's your Avatar about?

    My one just fuckin cracks me up all the time it will never get old ever ha im going to get this tattooed onto me eventually
  19. Big Tasty Bud

    Best Rolling Papers, etc (FOR TASTE!)

    Rizla Silver super thin cant taste the paper at all just real nice smoke
  20. Big Tasty Bud

    jamaican pearl male or female 2 weeks into 12/12

    Picture is not great. looks like its a Male but it could be a hermaphrodite its hard to tell can you post a pic of a close up of one of the nodes or maybe the top bud ?