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  1. T

    Nirvana Short Ryder

    Alls said and done I ended up with about 3/4oz dried. It's a good smoke, mostly heady high. Not couchlocky at all. Final thoughts. Really touchy as seedlings, but after that they are pretty hearty plants. They took 3 months exactly to finish so that is pretty awesome for quick summer grows...
  2. T

    Nirvana Short Ryder

    Strung up drying right now. Some of the smaller buds on the bottom were still immature but the tops were rather done. Ended up being approx 20" high and took just a few days over 3 months to finish. Had a very hot and dry summer, so keeping up with watering wasn't always realistic so they...
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    Nirvana Short Ryder

    Today. Sorry kinda fuzzy, its an old cam. Buds are filling up, calyx's look nice and swollen.
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    Nirvana Short Ryder

    I wouldn't worry about the trich development, still plenty of flowering time. Rad looking plants though, your yield expectations seem within reason.
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    Nirvana Short Ryder

    Both are a week into flowering now, starting to swell up nicely. Noticed some overall yellowing of one plant, i'll give it a feeding and see what happens. They don't seem to have grown any taller since flowering period began (around 20" or so). Compared to photoperiods I ran last year these...
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    Short Rider outdoor grow (kind of experiment)?

    As long as its not super drought conditions or terrible soil and the plants get some sunlight they should do okay. Will probably need more than 2 months, think closer to 3 (give or take a couple weeks).
  7. T

    Nirvana Short Ryder

    Sprouted May 23, Showing sex as of July 3, so it took about ~6 weeks. Approx 20" high with 8 nodes (+more coming in). Nice color, no pest damage, pistils present on the top 3 nodes, starting to develop a bit of a skunky odor. Has been withstanding the absolute onslaught of hot (high 90s) and...
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    Bad News - NEED HELP (male plant?)

    A little early to be definitive. It looks like it will be a male, but those flowers won't fully unfold or become viable for another week or so at current rate, so it may still herm or surprise us all.
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    Auto's life-cycle

    1 week after the snap, changed water every day and gets full sun exposure in a warm room. No sign of roots, the lower leaves are losing colour. Another few days and it'll be dead. Oh well, no biggie.
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    Auto's life-cycle

    No luck with reattaching. Time for a science experiment then.
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    Auto's life-cycle

    I'll give taping another shot. It is very awkward with its location and the fineness of the stem, hopefully it'll take.
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    Auto's life-cycle

    I broke a 6" seedling at dirt level. It's too small to tape back together so I plopped it in a cup with an inch of water in the bottom and put it inside on a window sill. That was 3 days ago and it hasn't changed at all (no leaf colour/shape/feel change), was curious about what to expect. Is...
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    Nirvana Short Ryder

    I forgot I had some images of the remaining 2 from a few days ago. They are actually around 10" tall, and yeah, busted out of the soil about 3.5 weeks ago.
  14. T

    Nirvana Short Ryder

    Oh damn, yours are looking pretty nice and leafy. No pics at the moment, but i'm just on my 2nd set of leaves coming in (sprout leaves fell off a few days ago) and were over 6" high, so yours are looking much better off. I'll try and get some pics up so we can get a good indoor versus outdoor...
  15. T

    Nirvana Short Ryder

    Anyone else trying it this year? My thoughts so far First auto grow, have to do them outdoors (Great lakes region). Got the seeds promptly from Nirvana and immediately went to paper towel germinating, 4/5 popped in the first 24 hours. After 48 hours the 4 that popped were put in some topsoil...
  16. T

    Direct sunlight question!

    It will grow no matter where its put, but more sunshine will mean a bigger stronger plant and a larger yield. I recently moved my short ryders from a place they were getting mostly midday sun then shaded/indirect afterwards after noticing they were not growing too fast (2 weeks from seed at...
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    size of pot

    3gallon pots seem to be around the ideal size, bigger doesn't hurt. If you aren't going to be able to water them regularly then going bigger will help keep the plant/roots from drying out as badly during periods without rainfall/watering as well.
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    lowryders UFO LED various plants

    Are you growing in cups? Looks waaaay too small for the plant to grow well in, you either should have transplanted or preferably started in at least 3gal pots.
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    Why auto Buds so small?

    Hope it will beef up a bit for you closer to harvest, looks like it could still use another 2 weeks or so.
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    Could I plant in a shady woods spot and still get a harvest?

    I varied it up last year, but one plant i put in on the edge of a small clearing kinda under some higher up branches. It got direct sun from like 11-3 every day, lots of small buds and the plant looked like it had stretched a bit. Better than i thought, but i sacrificed some growing power for...