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  1. sativer

    HELP! prevention of fertilisation

    I usually buy feminized seeds so I have no issues with male plants, however this (my 3rd grow) I've come across the issue of, 1 male plant on the left 1 hermaphrodite and on the right I'm unsure what its sex is yet, due to the fact that I only continued growing the plants because my mate had...
  2. sativer

    Please help with ballast asap!

    I really need to get my fem blueberry under my 400w HPS but the stupid ballast wont start up the light! It just clicks but wont start :/ It has done this maybe once or twice before but I've always got the light going, I don't know whether to open it up or just hope for the best but I really...
  3. sativer

    Fan leaves!?

    Please tell me, at day 86 of indoor aerogarden blueberry fem during bloom is it wise or OKAY at the least to remove dying or dead fan leaves? they are pissing me off and I feel the urge to slice them carefully off... I know there isn't too much point to this but is it okay too do?
  4. sativer

    Please Help! Before These Die! :C

    Its day 86, Indoor, Fem blueberry in a aerogarden. They've been flushed about 3 times over the last 2 days due to the shape they are in. I added 13ml of iguana juice bloom which I didn't think through which I feel could be the result of their sagging. I'm deeply concerned because to have...
  5. sativer

    Flowering!? [Look Here]

    Today is day 66 of my Feminized Blueberry Indoor Aerogarden, they have been flushed for the second time today, have been looking a little bit unhealthy but im not entirely fussed, I know I should be but after fucking around with them doing all the 'supposedly' right things they just seem a...
  6. sativer

    A Gram Straight Into The Mix?

    Only once did I ever try this but only because I had a little excess weed haha Me and my mate had planned an afternoon/night of beer and pot and I thought it'd be cool to cut up a gram and a half and put it into muffin mix only to create one muffin for my mate Bill. I've heard different...
  7. sativer

    And Does Anyone Know Anything About Great White Shark???

    I brought some Great White Shark recently and Im going to be starting them in about a month, any info? Thanks
  8. sativer

    Anyone Know Anything About Moby Dick???

    I brought some Moby Dick recently and Im gona start them in about a month, please share if you know :)
  9. sativer

    What Does This Colouring Mean???

    It's probably not normal but my plants actually have been very healthy and progressing really well recently but it has this strange colouring from quite a light green to a darker green. Feminized BlueBerry, Aerogarden, Day 54
  10. sativer

    Australian Decriminalisation???

    I know in a few states, one being Victoria in australia it isn't decriminalised but does anyone know where it's at and whats going on? Any links would be helpful supporting decriminalisation. I know the laws and offences and it seems to be that your best off with pot in S.A and A.C.T. It's...
  11. sativer

    Exposure To Lights And Health

    Could it be harmful to my health to be exposed to certain lights at certain times? I have a 400w HPS cracking right now and I don't have a shade or anything over it so basically my bedroom is like a small piece of sunlight blasting through. Because I like to start the light in the morning...
  12. sativer

    Syphoning 40 Day Old Water From Aerogarden!?!

    Could this be harmful to my body? I couldn't imagine it being harmful but then again I have no idea. I only swallowed a little bit of water but I don't think I consumed any just swallowed and spat into the cup I was syphoning into. I only syphoned half so I could leave some of the...
  13. sativer

    Lighting - please have a look at my situation...

    I've got 2 blueberry in a 7 pod aerogarden with two 26w blubs. It's day 36 and I've switched to 12/12 hours of light as of yesterday from 16/8 hours of light. I'm waiting for a new cooltube/fan/duct so I can switch over to my 400w HPS which should be in a weeks time. Clearly I am a newbie and...
  14. sativer

    Please give me info on these b.berry

    Its morning, day 30 I've been growing these three fem blueberry's in an aerogarden which is supplied with two 26w bulbs and as most people know the arm/cord can only stretch so far AND THATS WHY I'm changing it over to a 400w HPS as soon as the cooltube/fan comes in the mail. From left to right...
  15. sativer

    Reviews For PlanetSkunk/DutchPassion Blueberry Fem Seeds?

    I've been growing some Blueberry for a month now and they're growing pretty good but would like to know if anyone else has brought from Dutch Passion or anyone who has brought fem blueberry :D CHEERS
  16. sativer

    Hello Growers In Aus!

    ...And to everyone else :) I've been into the growing business for only about 2 years and I'm a newbie but I know a little about horticulture and a bit about marijuana, don't smoke it any more but love to grow it. Anyone from Southern Aus states?
  17. sativer

    HAVE A LOOK, Give me your opinions please - Feminized Blueberry

    This, as you can tell by the image, is my 1 month old blueberry which was started straight from seed in an Aerogarden. Im wondering if these are okay sizes or 'normal' sizes for blueberry at one month. They are smelling quite lovely and grow a lot each day however, while the plant back right...
  18. sativer

    LOOK AT THESE PICS! - Spots??? Is it contagious to other plants???

    Hey I'm a bit of a newbie, I've only been growing for like 2-3 years on-off but this year has been a little better so far even though its only three weeks in. Please take a look and tell me everything you know and suggest :-( They're blueberry and have grown strong so far but the plant at...
  19. sativer

    Tap water vs Bottled water!?!

    I live an hour out of melbourne and my tap water is rain water its not from a town supply or anything like that. I've only ever successfully grown indoors and now I've got a really good set up and dont want to fuck things up so im wondering if I should use some local bottled water such as...